SKIN UPDATE: Progress & My Make Up “Tutorial”
18 September 2017If there’s one thing that I have realised (despite all desires to the contrary), these kinds of ‘internal affecting the external’ changes take time. And that’s not a bad thing.…
SKIN UPDATE – This Is A Constant Journey Of Discovery
21 August 2017This picture was taken at the beginning of August and I’d like to name it Rudolf. It’s what I affectionately call myself when my nose decides to break out like…
Have you ever felt like you were making killer progress with something and then all of a sudden you just plateau? That was me last week. And it was flipping…
It’s been 6 months since Skin Renewal guided me on the path to cutting out grain, dairy and sugar. This morning I looked in the mirror and I almost cried.…
15 August 2016This weekend was a hard one. Not on the surface of course. No, no. The surface was full of parties and celebrations, meeting with friends and chatting away. The surface…
At A Loss
19 July 2016You know those times where technically everything is all right in your World, but you can’t help but feel dejected and miserable because one little thing is going wrong? That’s me right…
Roaccutane Progress – 20 Weeks (Just Over Half Way)
18 September 2014Although it feels like I have been popping these pills for over a year, it has actually only been about 4 and a bit months of Roaccutane taking over my…
Roaccutane You Beauty – Week 14 Update
4 August 2014A quick round up of the last few months in case you’re new around here. (Welcome by the way, feel free to stay a while) Up to this point, I…
A Roaccutane/Oratane Update – Week 4
20 May 2014Do you remember 4 weeks ago? When I shared that post that I had to close my eyes and “publish” and then resist deleting. Also known as the time my…
*Disclaimer – I am opening up a little bit of my soul here. A part of me that I have hidden for almost 5 years. If you’re squeamish I wouldn’t…