Little Rays Of Sunshine
3 September 2013Do you know that it apparently snows on Table Mountain once every 10 years or so? I was seriously not aware that had ever snowed on Table Mountain, and so…
An ‘Insta’nt Wrap Up…
31 August 2013Sort of like my currently post a while back, there’s a lot going on. But when I do have a chance to take a picture it seems to be going…
The One Where Kyla Makes My Heart Melt
14 August 2013Have I mentioned that we took away Riya’s num num? I don’t think I have, which is quite weird considering it has made a huge change to the stability that…
A Mermaid Party With Only One Mermaid
7 August 2013So we had a mermaid party. Although as it turns out there was only one beautiful mermaid and it wasn’t even one of our girls, even though she could be…
Family Fun? I Think Not.
10 July 2013One of the things that we really enjoy doing as a family is going out and having meals together at various restaurants. I kind of love the chaos that we…
Here’s Looking At You Kid
2 July 2013My normally camera shy baby posed purposefully for these pictures… As in, she really wanted me to take them! I’m still kind of in shock. She is most gorgeous, just…
A Moment Of Reflection That Made Me Giggle
19 June 2013Last night, as I sat pondering what to write about, an image flashed on my screen of a very tiny little Riya that I added to Instagram a while ago.…
Out With The Mould and In With The New…Fan!
17 June 2013So I thought it would be fitting for me to write the DIY posts about our Old House, since I am the one doing the DIY projects! By this sentence…
We’re Almost Half Way To Christmas
11 June 2013I guess that’s a weird thing to acknowledge. But there is a reason for the random statement – besides the sick realisation that the year is almost on the downward…
One thing I struggle to do is say no (unless I am talking to my children in which case I have nooooo problem). Don’t you agree that “yes” just rolls of the…
We Don’t Have To Live The Pinterest Life
5 June 2013My memory sucks. That’s nothing new. I do remember now that the power finally went back on and that we are finally back to being able to stare at each other…
Yes, I Let Her Leave The House Like That
30 May 2013I’m kind of over talking about sick children. Because really, besides you having heard as much about the amount of snot my family can produce, I am just over thinking…
They Say The Funniest Things
21 May 2013Do you ever over analyse your children? I should probably be more specific. Every time they do something, like take a keen interest in the names of trees it crosses my mind…
Was That A Weekend We Just Had? (LWW)
20 May 2013Hi ho there everyone! Have a good weekend? We had a weekend. I think. It was mostly spent cuddling a very sick little man, making copious amounts of bottles, changing…
We Saw Tinkerbell At The Park!
15 May 2013Fairies are one of the many new “hits” in our household, and though so many people freak out that their girls are obsessed about one day growing up to be…
It’s The Thought That Counts
13 May 2013So in case you missed it, yesterday was Mothers Day. If you missed it and you are a Dad, you probably realised that you missed it when you found yourself…
This blogs comes to you straight from my tablet… While I put the girls to sleep… (Which is why some of you may have seen a preview of this post…
Knox – The Love, The Wish And The Wardrobe
30 April 2013Happy Tuesday that feels like Friday! I hope things are going well in your neck of the woods? For us things are a bit hectic for the next 2 weeks,…
Some Changes In Our Little House
24 April 2013Finally I have a chance to sit down and actually write a little bit, instead of placating you with pictures of my kids. But to be honest I don’t know…
Riya’s Turn – The Love, The Wish And The Wardrobe
23 April 2013Thanks for all the loving you showed on the last LWW with Knox! I really was overwhelmed with all the feedback – so appreciated guys! I also totally forgot to…
Today Is The Day!
19 April 2013So today is not much better in terms of sleep or sick children. But it’s Michael McIntyre day and that just makes everything better! We are going to sit so…
18 April 2013All I have to say is that this is one of the hardest things I have ever done. The most rewarding, amazing and fantastic thing, but so very difficult. The…
Knox Is A Model – The Love, The Wish And The Wardrobe
16 April 2013There was a time where I debated whether or not I should do this. Now you’re wondering, what the heck are you talking about?! Well a little while ago I…