One of the ways that we’re trying to help Knox live his best life (besides fixing his sleep) is to get him involved in Playball. As it turns out, he…
~*WIN*~ A Happy Father’s Day With Thomas Sabo
17 June 2017There was a lot that I was looking forward to when Seth and I got married. Moving out of our parents houses and into our own space. Not having to…
~*WIN*~ Crystal Surprise Hamper (Worth R1 000)
21 April 2017I’ve been promising it for a while now, but it’s finally here! Drum roll please… Kyla and Riya present their first review and giveaway! After earning their sweet little Crystal…
~*WIN*~ Paw Patrol Monkey Temple (Worth R2400!)
30 March 2017It’s been so interesting watching my children go from being tiny little babies, that only worried about their next mouthful of boob or the uncomfortable nappy, to actual human beings…
~{GIVEAWAY}~ LEGO Duplo: My Creative Chest
19 November 2016For the last three weeks I have been handling this whole parenting gig completely on my own. I might have mentioned this a few too many times in the last…
~{WIN}~ Get Your Own HATCHIMAL!
28 October 2016Remember that time we found an egg in the garden and then it hatched with this guy in it? Of course you do. And that’s just because you read it on this…
#CTMeetUp Goody Bags – Want One?
11 August 2016So of course, if you don’t know by now, the main aim of the #CTMeetUp is to get Cape Town bloggers into the same room. Why? Well, in an industry…
My First Truck – Duplo Giveaway
29 July 2016When my brother and I were growing up, we played together a lot. Seth on the other hand? He had two older sisters who often left him alone while they…
In our house we like to play to our strengths. What does that mean? Well, my strength is that I happen to be home early enough to make supper, so…
13 April 2016So of course, the main aim of the #CTMeetUp is to get bloggers all into the same room, remember that there are real people behind the screens and get them…
~*WIN*~ #HuggiesGold Hamper With @Huggies_SA! (Worth R800)
19 October 2015We’ve had the absolute privilege of having three kids. And while I am very grateful for them and couldn’t imagine my life without them, do you have any idea how…
*WIN* With Watercolour Heart
12 October 2015I am not a minimalist. At least not when it comes to collecting special moments. If I could, I’d fill my walls with precious treasures that we’d collected over the…
As it turns out, moving domains is actually rather close to moving house. Flipping stressful and fraught with problems that you’re sure no one else has had to experience, but there…
*WIN* A #CTMeetUp Goodie Bag
14 May 2015If you have been popping over to this space for a while now, you’ll hopefully be aware of how much I LOVE to give things away. I mean we literally…
Magic Mesh – Review and GIVEAWAY!
31 March 2015I love the promise of a long road trip. It doesn’t really matter where you’re going, does it? Because when you get into that car with your padkos packed, your…
Were those caps loud enough for you? No? You can WIN Exclusive One Direction “On The Road Again” Tickets for the 1 April Cape Town Concert. Let’s just say that…
*{WIN}* Expecting Moms Bio-Oil Hamper Valued at R1000!
4 February 2015Every Sunday night was the same… We’d go to church and then to our best friends place (or they’d come to ours) and we’d have an easy supper. It was…
*{WIN}* with Beardworxs – R360 Beard Starter Kit
21 January 2015We all know that women feel overwhelmingly passionate about many things. Their man (or any man for that matter) deciding to grow the fuzz on their face is no exception…
It’s no secret that we are HUGE Sticky Fudge fans. In fact I’m still trying to convince them to move onto making adult sizes. Maybe I should start a petition.…
WIN A #CTmeetup Goody Bag
12 August 2014One thing that really stood out for me at the #CTmeetup was not only the budding of friendships and putting faces to twitter handles, but how amazing our sponsors were.…
Some Of This And Some Of That – AND A WINNER
12 February 2014Hello! Can you believe that a whole week has passed and we are already here about to announce a winner of the Dettol Giveaway? I can’t…
Dettol – A Review AND Giveaway!
6 February 2014Before I get into the review, I need to set the scene for you quickly. We had a little get together for Seth’s birthday this past weekend. I say a…
10 Days Of Giveaways – GORGEOUS Veld Scatter Cushions From Smitten Home And Life (Worth R760!)
13 December 2013THIS COMPETITION IS CLOSED We’ve made it through 10 whole days of giving away more than 10 awesome things to you awesome people out there that take the time to…