They Should Call Baby Showers "Broody Showers"!
5 August 2014In case you were wondering, it’s totally possible to still be heavily broody even when you already have THREE kids. Despite the fact that you carried them in your body…
I'm A Mom With Tattoos – Eleanor From "Just Ella Bella"
1 August 2014Welcome back to another installment in our new series – I’m A Mom With Tattoos. In case you have missed the last couple, don’t forget to check them out here. All…
One and a half weeks. That’s the small amount of time that we have left between now and the much anticipated #CTmeetup. There’s a few things that still need to…
Press Pause On This Moment
29 July 2014There was a time in my life when I used to be scared of being alone at home with my kids. Every moment, from the time I got home at…
Welcome back to another installment in our series – I’m A Mom With Tattoos. In case you have missed the last couple, don’t forget to check them out here. I am…
"Kyla And Riya's Bakery" Party
24 July 2014Despite how hectic planning a party can be, I am kind of sad that the girls party is over. So let’s quickly relive it through pictures, OK? In case you…
Sherbs. I honestly need a weekend to recover from my weekend. That being said, the party was all sorts of fun and the girls had a fantastic time (which is…
Welcome back to another installment in our new series – I’m A Mom With Tattoos. In case you have missed the last couple, don’t forget to check them out here. If…
Stop calling me a “hipster” (by a Hipster)
16 July 2014Life is getting in the way of me being able to get to everything, which actually works out rather well as Seth has something that he wanted to say… *So…
My Kyla Bella, You Turned 5!
15 July 2014Oh my Kyla Bells I don’t know why I struggle to write these posts to you. I guess it’s my own silly way of trying to stop you from growing…
Welcome back to another installment in our new series – I’m A Mom With Tattoos. In case you have missed the last couple, don’t forget to check them out here. What…
We Said Goodbye To The Hipster
10 July 2014Before I get into the sad, seriousness of this post, let’s start with a joke… Why did the hipster burn his tongue? He sipped his coffee before it was cool.…
"Mommy, 3 Is Enough, Hey?"
8 July 2014It was just another day for us. Me clutching both girls by the hand, reigning both of them from trying to hop into the road while trying desperately to miss…
7 July 2014What a weekend. Please tell me things are going to get warmer from here on? Please? With the girls birthdays fast approaching (we will have a 5 year old in…
In preparation for our Stellenbosch trip a couple of weekends ago, I did a little bit of research of where to go. My first point of call? Facebook, Twitter and…
A blonde haired, blue eyed boy. That’s exactly what I envisioned my first child to look like. Obviously after I met Seth and fell madly in love, I kind of knew…
It's Not All Unicorns And Rainbow Farts
30 June 2014Sometimes I sit and stare at the blinking cursor for what feels like hours. Thoughts swirling around in my head, a few make it to the keyboard only to be…
Welcome back to another installment in our series – I’m A Mom With Tattoos. In case you have missed the last couple, don’t forget to check them out here. Sherbit, what…
#CTmeetup Now Has Meaning!
23 June 2014OK, so maybe my title may have lead you to believe that before this post, there was no point to the meet up. And maybe you’d be right. Don’t get…
Welcome back to another installment in our new series – I’m A Mom With Tattoos. In case you have missed the last couple, don’t forget to check them out here. You…
Welcome back to another installment in our new series – I’m A Mom With Tattoos. In case you have missed the last couple, don’t forget to check them out here. In…
The Power Of Dad
11 June 2014So, like, I really try not to make this space one where it seems like we have it all together and get all the cool things and do all the…
5 June 2014Funny how when I am feeling overwhelmed and not sure which side is up, my go to post is a Currently one. So I guess by those few words alone…