Here’s 17 Things Nobody Told You About Having a Baby.
13 August 2015Here’s the funny thing about having a baby. Either you go into labour, or you’re forced into a c-section, or you happily decide to have your baby cut out, or…
Welcome back to my favourite series! I’m glad that you’re back to read the next installment. Here are the other ones in case you want to catch up. Here’s a…
Is it weird that I have a whole series but never thought to include myself in it? Maybe not, but truthfully I’m waiting for more people to get back to…
What a week. I feel like we are finally emerging from a constant state of high alert. Both girls had an awful virus that resulted in massive temps and vomiting.…
In case you’ve missed it, we’ve started a new series that will pop up here on the blog every Friday. Recently I have been inundated with content about racism in…
In case you’ve missed it, we’ve started a new series that will pop up here on the blog every Friday. Recently I have been inundated with content about racism in…
In case you’ve missed it, we’ve started a new series that will pop up here on the blog every Friday. Recently I have been inundated with content about racism in…
In case you’ve missed it, we’ve started a new series that will pop up here on the blog every Friday. Recently I have been inundated with content about racism in…
Behind The Scenes Of A Mixed Race Family – Tami Magnin
24 April 2015In case you’ve missed it, we’ve started a new series that will pop up here on the blog every Friday. Recently I have been inundated with content about racism in…
In case you’ve missed it, we’ve started a new series that will pop up here on the blog every Friday. Recently I have been inundated with content about racism in…
Good Friday seems like a good day to start a new series. It just feels right. So that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Recently I have been inundated with…
Just When You Think It's Over…
13 March 2015One thing that I have learned through parenting three children over the last 5 (almost 6) years, is that you should NEVER, ever acknowledge that you have triumphed in a…
*{WIN}* Expecting Moms Bio-Oil Hamper Valued at R1000!
4 February 2015Every Sunday night was the same… We’d go to church and then to our best friends place (or they’d come to ours) and we’d have an easy supper. It was…
We Started School And There Were NO Tears!
22 January 2015When I pictured our first day of school I prepared for the worst. I envisioned children that had unbrushed hair, mismatched clothes and questionable status on teeth brushing to be thrown…
That Mommy Guilt Thing
28 October 2014Before I became a Mom I hardly felt guilty about anything. I used my time as I liked. Sleeping half of it away and spending the rest of it with…
So remember when that wall just jumped out of nowhere while I was leaving my parking garage and I scraped my car so badly that I cried all the way…
Plastic Surgery – My Story
1 October 2014I was going to call this post “The Time I Cut My Boobs Off”, but I don’t know if that really tells the story properly. You see, as with most…
7 Places I Never Thought I'd Change A Nappy
9 September 2014There was a time (just a few years ago) where I could direct you to the closest baby changing facility in any shopping mall in Cape Town. I could also…
Let's Share Some Hope
4 September 2014The other morning I was frantically throwing cereal into bowls and spilling milk all over the counter (as it made it’s way into the microwave to be warmed up), while…
Behinds The Scenes – An Allergy Test (On Children)
2 September 2014If I can give you any advice about going to do a skin allergy test is that you shouldn’t do it. The second bit of advice is that if you’re…
Press Pause On This Moment
29 July 2014There was a time in my life when I used to be scared of being alone at home with my kids. Every moment, from the time I got home at…
"Mommy, 3 Is Enough, Hey?"
8 July 2014It was just another day for us. Me clutching both girls by the hand, reigning both of them from trying to hop into the road while trying desperately to miss…
It's Not All Unicorns And Rainbow Farts
30 June 2014Sometimes I sit and stare at the blinking cursor for what feels like hours. Thoughts swirling around in my head, a few make it to the keyboard only to be…