At Least There’s This
23 July 2013I’ve probably seemed quite negative around these here blog parts over the last couple of weeks and despite my word for the year being “positive” I sometimes struggle to maintain…
Mommy Fail – I Think I Just Heard My Girl Swear?!
22 July 2013Happy Monday! Or is it? Well this Monday is a day that is going to be filled with answers to so many questions about whether or not we will definitely…
If I Could Have My First Baby All Over Again
17 July 2013Recently we’ve had a chance to sit and look through our little badly filmed home videos. And while they are filled with great memories and a lot of random things,…
Sunday morning was a rush of mixed emotions for me, waking up and realising that I am a Mom to a 4 year old girl is both exciting and sobering.…
On Last Days Of Holiday And Newborn Memories
12 July 2013Good morning all you lovely people. I’m about to take my kids out to enjoy another beautiful day in the Mother City – to live it up on their last…
Family Fun? I Think Not.
10 July 2013One of the things that we really enjoy doing as a family is going out and having meals together at various restaurants. I kind of love the chaos that we…
“I’m going slightly mad… I’m going slightly mad… It finally happened… It finally happened…. It finally happened… I’m slightly mad.” Who can say it better than Queen? As you know…
I’m Scared Of Big Decisions
6 July 2013Let me just start off with a little apology for being a bit scarce for the last couple of days. It seems that, unbeknownst to me, I have become a…
Here’s Looking At You Kid
2 July 2013My normally camera shy baby posed purposefully for these pictures… As in, she really wanted me to take them! I’m still kind of in shock. She is most gorgeous, just…
Guys, tonight we are going to have one whole night to ourselves. One whole entire night. With not one child. I’m so excited that I might just do a back…
DIY Sofa Table
21 June 2013So this Saturday I was given some time alone to get stuff done. I was meant to paint the bathroom ceiling, put a switch on the extractor fan, put up…
A Moment Of Reflection That Made Me Giggle
19 June 2013Last night, as I sat pondering what to write about, an image flashed on my screen of a very tiny little Riya that I added to Instagram a while ago.…
We’re Almost Half Way To Christmas
11 June 2013I guess that’s a weird thing to acknowledge. But there is a reason for the random statement – besides the sick realisation that the year is almost on the downward…
One thing I struggle to do is say no (unless I am talking to my children in which case I have nooooo problem). Don’t you agree that “yes” just rolls of the…
That’s The Last Time I Use The Tablet
6 June 2013There I was feeling all sorry for myself and things, writing emo posts and saving them to maybe post later. And there it went… Right out into the interwebs for all to…
We Don’t Have To Live The Pinterest Life
5 June 2013My memory sucks. That’s nothing new. I do remember now that the power finally went back on and that we are finally back to being able to stare at each other…
Yes, I Let Her Leave The House Like That
30 May 2013I’m kind of over talking about sick children. Because really, besides you having heard as much about the amount of snot my family can produce, I am just over thinking…
Damn You Murphy!!
29 May 2013I knew I shouldn’t have said it. I just knew it. You know I bragged in my post the other day that for the first time in forevs none of the…
Knox’s First Stay In Hospital
26 May 2013If you are not a Facebook/Twitter friend, last Tuesday’s post may have lead you to believe that Knox was better. Although I am sure that you may have gathered by…
They Say The Funniest Things
21 May 2013Do you ever over analyse your children? I should probably be more specific. Every time they do something, like take a keen interest in the names of trees it crosses my mind…
We Found The Missing Piece
16 May 2013Quite a while ago now we decided to venture out to Hout Bay one evening to experience their indoor market. We heard that it had a bit of an Old…
We Saw Tinkerbell At The Park!
15 May 2013Fairies are one of the many new “hits” in our household, and though so many people freak out that their girls are obsessed about one day growing up to be…
My First Mothers Day Concert
12 May 2013Happy mothers day to all you Mommies out there! For those of you who don’t celebrate it, happy Sunday to you!! We will probably be spending the day a little…