~*WIN*~ A R500 Sticky Fudge Voucher!
9 December 2014Our love for Sticky Fudge is rather well documented. It probably comes as no surprise that I might be obsessed, as I am sure you can understand. In fact, if…
Can You Feel That?
23 October 2014Summer is here. (I’m inclined to say FINALLY, but I don’t want to sound ungrateful and scare her away again). Sitting in the sun and feeling the warmth that unfreezes…
We Said Goodbye To The Hipster
10 July 2014Before I get into the sad, seriousness of this post, let’s start with a joke… Why did the hipster burn his tongue? He sipped his coffee before it was cool.…
Pssst…. Word on the street is that the launch is possibly going to happen today – if that happens you heard it here first… If it doesn’t come back and…
THIS COMPETITION IS CLOSED In this glorious Summer weather, there really is nothing better than having our girls in dresses. Not only are they cooler, but they just look so…
The Here And Now
21 November 2013I know you parents out there know this, but parenting is no joke. Seriously the single hardest thing that I have ever done. But if I could share with you…
I’m “That” Mom…
27 August 2013Do you remember way back when you were at school and you had a civvies day or a “bring a monkey to school” day or a “wear your pants on…
Love Wish Wardrobe – Sticky Fudge Edition.
22 August 2013I’m so sick of thinking about packing and not packing and how I should be packing that I have decided to think about beautiful clothes instead. Aaaaah, that’s better. On…
Kyla You’re Next – The Love, The Wish And The Wardrobe
26 April 2013I know I kind of promised that this wasn’t going to be all that frequent, but I actually managed to take quite a few pictures of the kids in one…
Riya’s Turn – The Love, The Wish And The Wardrobe
23 April 2013Thanks for all the loving you showed on the last LWW with Knox! I really was overwhelmed with all the feedback – so appreciated guys! I also totally forgot to…
Such Girly Girls
2 December 2012I always thought that if I had girls they would be like me – not into frilly, pink, floral or bling. It never even occurred to me that they could…
We Had A Pink Princesses and Knights Party!
7 August 2012I’m sure that you have all seen by now that Kyla is kind of obsessed with pink, and thankfully Riya just goes with whatever is happening and is not really…
I Suppose This Is What You Get…
13 May 2012I suppose this is what you get when you tell an almost 3 year old obsessed with pink, that they can choose a dress for being such a big girl…
The Love, The Wish And The Wardrobe v2
19 July 2011I recently stumbled onto this site – JohnLewis.com – don’t be deceived by the name, they have the most gorgeous girls clothes! I’m a total sucker for a good cardigan…