Have You Heard About Littleworld?
23 June 2017I’ve gotten very good at ignoring my alarm clock. Like really, really good. It’s actually a bit of a problem now that I think about it. But it’s not really…
Little Miss and Mr Men
25 January 2016Besides party planning, the next thing that I like to challenge myself with is kids fashion. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not hard to find good quality and visually appealing…
Winter Is Coming
30 April 2015Winter Is Coming! Can you tell that we started watching Game Of Thrones a couple of weeks back? I just can’t help but repeat this phrase over and over, because,…
Uncluttered House, Uncluttered Mind…
29 April 2015Have you ever watched Hoarders – Buried Alive? No? Well let me quickly debrief you. Basically people accumulate so much crap that they eventually they suffer a slow death underneath…
It’s no secret that we are HUGE Sticky Fudge fans. In fact I’m still trying to convince them to move onto making adult sizes. Maybe I should start a petition.…
Our Top 8 Looks For Spring (For Boys And Girls) – Sticky Fudge Spring Collection 2014
1 September 2014Is it normal to me more obsessed about your kids clothing than your own? I’m going to go with a yes to answer that question because I just can’t help…
Washing Is Not Decor – Spindel Review
23 July 2014Flipping Winter. I don’t know about you, but this Winter has hit us hard. There are just far too many bugs going around for it to be normal. Just a…
We Said Goodbye To The Hipster
10 July 2014Before I get into the sad, seriousness of this post, let’s start with a joke… Why did the hipster burn his tongue? He sipped his coffee before it was cool.…
Riya’s Sticky Fudge Photo Shoot – Take 2
2 April 2014I’ve been checking the postbox with nervous excitement every day since Sticky Fudge asked us for our postal address. Honestly I wasn’t sure what to expect. The first shoot went…
Since we’re all about equality and stuff, it’s only fair that since we have given you a sneak peak of the girls range for Autumn that we should do the…
It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of Sticky Fudge. And not only for our kids – seriously, if I could squeeze myself into some of their designs…
Public Service Announcement!
10 December 2013This week has been crazy, crazy I tell you! But today it is definitely made just a bit better! Because, in case you haven’t seen it and you are a…
10 Days Of Giveaways! ANOTHER R500 Sticky Fudge Voucher!
9 December 2013THIS COMPETITION IS CLOSED Morning everyone! We just got back from a lovely, but flipping windy weekend away in Pringle Bay. It was awesome, but I must…
THIS COMPETITION IS CLOSED In this glorious Summer weather, there really is nothing better than having our girls in dresses. Not only are they cooler, but they just look so…
Christmas Is Nearly Here? I’m Still Eating Easter Eggs!
13 November 2013The end of the year and more importantly, Christmas has snuck up on me like Seth sneaks up to chocolate – stealthily, with purpose and without a care that you…
Summer Is Here – The Love, The Wish And The Wardrobe
10 October 2013Can you feel that glorious South African sun creeping into your windows and warming up those toes? I don’t know about you, but Summer is starting to emerge around here…
When I was pregnant with Kyla, we would often take our time in the mornings to get ready and still arrive at the Old Biscuit Mill at 9am. Aaaah, the…
Little Rays Of Sunshine
3 September 2013Do you know that it apparently snows on Table Mountain once every 10 years or so? I was seriously not aware that had ever snowed on Table Mountain, and so…
Back To Reality
16 August 2013This week has been pretty amazing – on the blogging side of things anyway. The Spar Savour Magazine issue is just too cute and then thanks to Sticky Fudge,…
Riya’s First Sticky Fudge Photo Shoot
15 August 2013We did it. We got through Riya’s very first photo shoot and despite all the ups and downs of the day, if you ask her today if she had fun…
Was That A Weekend We Just Had? (LWW)
20 May 2013Hi ho there everyone! Have a good weekend? We had a weekend. I think. It was mostly spent cuddling a very sick little man, making copious amounts of bottles, changing…
Knox – The Love, The Wish And The Wardrobe
30 April 2013Happy Tuesday that feels like Friday! I hope things are going well in your neck of the woods? For us things are a bit hectic for the next 2 weeks,…
Riya’s Turn – The Love, The Wish And The Wardrobe
23 April 2013Thanks for all the loving you showed on the last LWW with Knox! I really was overwhelmed with all the feedback – so appreciated guys! I also totally forgot to…