Our 2nd beautiful daughter Riya-Ray was born on 28 July 2010. She too is a blessing to us and I can’t wait to get to know her more.
Aaaargh Me Maties – We Went On The Pirate Boat
29 April 2014How much did the pirate pay for his peg leg and hook? An arm and a leg *Duh-dum-tish!* Anyway, back to the real reason that I popped onto my favourite…
Easter Was so Much Fun Y’all
24 April 2014I don’t know when I got all American y’all, but let’s just take the bull by the horns and run with it. Much like many fellow South Africans and the…
Snapshot In Time
16 April 2014Pictures are funny things. Although they clearly convey the scene in a crisp image, they can’t always capture the moment in full detail. Like the early morning wake up for…
A Short Stay In The Overberg – Told In Pictures
14 April 2014It’s no secret that I love a good photo. It’s also no secret that we have been to Houw Hoek Inn so many times that I have nothing new to…
The Bloopers Reel From The Sticky Fudge Photo Shoot
7 April 2014Do you remember going into the video shop and standing there perusing the New Releases and deliberating at length with your movie partner about what to watch? My favourite were…
Riya’s Sticky Fudge Photo Shoot – Take 2
2 April 2014I’ve been checking the postbox with nervous excitement every day since Sticky Fudge asked us for our postal address. Honestly I wasn’t sure what to expect. The first shoot went…
Pssst…. Word on the street is that the launch is possibly going to happen today – if that happens you heard it here first… If it doesn’t come back and…
Snapshot In Time
12 March 2014The last little snapshot was a lovely feel good moment, because in parenting, there are actually lots of those. But today, well today is the real deal. A grocery shopping…
Some Fights Aren’t Worth Having
6 March 2014One part of my day that I least enjoy is getting ready for work in the morning. It means getting out of my bed that I feel like I’ve only…
Sea Point – You Beauty
26 February 2014When I think of awesome destination places to go in Cape Town, I’ll be honest – Sea Point is not even in my Top 10. Well, let me correct that…
Snapshot In Time
11 February 2014Apparently a picture speaks a thousand words. I’ve never really put it to the test, but I often stare at a picture and have what seems like a hundred different…
We Got A Little Bit Creative – Finally
10 February 2014The kids rooms have been looking rather dull since we’ve moved house (Especially poor old Knox’s room, but that’s for a whole different post). For the girls room, we managed…
At the end of last year we sat pondering what on Earth to get our family for Christmas. Eventually we decided that we weren’t going to waste money on random…
Time To Suck It Up And Also, Surprise Photos
19 January 2014Sunday mornings aren’t really the time to talk about work. Although if you really think about it, there is never really a good time to talk about work is there?…
School Today!
15 January 2014School starts today. It feels like just the other day it was their very, very first ever day at school. I guess time really does fly when you are having…
Some Much Needed Down Time.
10 January 2014Statistically speaking 80% of people that go away on holiday come back and want a holiday after their holiday to recover from their holiday. Also, 90% of you will agree…
Best Way To Spend A Summers Day – Kalk Bay
6 January 2014Getting back into the swing of things is no joke, luckily I still have a week before I take it too seriously. Hopefully you do too, otherwise if you are…
Need To Keep Them Busy? Paint Rocks!
2 January 2014Scenario: It’s dark in my room, my bleary, tired eyes manage to make out the light that is fighting to make it’s way through the curtains – so I know…
It Was A Merry Christmas Indeed!
26 December 2013Hello there! I don’t know about you, but I’m finally starting to emerge from my food coma. It’s taken a while longer than it should, but in all fairness I…
We Made A Gingerbread House (But We Kind Of Cheated!)
22 December 2013My exciting news this week is that I have gotten my 4th baby back from the hospital. That’s right, my camera is back from it’s service and I don’t think…
What Do A Cowboy And Egyptian Have In Common?
14 December 2013I’ll tell you what they have in common – they are both the absolute cutest things ever in the World! To end the year off at school, the girls had…
Our Afternoon At A Minnie and Mickey Mouse Party
7 December 2013Oh hello there. I’m going to take a break from current regular program (of giveaways everyday) and share loads of photos of a super cool Minnie and Mickey Mouse party…
Best Morning Out With My Girls (And Also A Chance To Win For YOU!)
27 November 2013A couple of Saturday’s ago – when it was really rainy and wet in Cape Town, I bundled my kids up into the car and we set out for the…