Kyla Isabella
Our Kyla Bell was born on 14 July 2009. She has been such a blessing to us!
Enjoying Spring Sun… (When It Decides To Show Up)
20 September 2011This past Thursday started with rain and gloom but it ended with a very hot afternoon (if you were sitting in the sun). It was glorious! Seeing as the girls…
Who Needs Toys When You Have Pegs!
19 September 2011Kyla and Riya love pegs… So much so that it was one of the first words the Kyla learned… Sad but true. The other day they got hold of Ga’s…
The Little People Are Sick (Again!)
12 September 2011Once again our little people are hit with another onslaught of sickness. I have lost count of the amount that they have had this Winter, but seeing as I can…
Irish Twins
9 September 2011I cannot believe it has been just over a full year since I was last pregnant with our second daughter… I almost feel like I deserve a pat on the…
Mommy… Dance! Dad-dy… Dance!
2 September 2011Kyla is a dancing machine. Put on any music anywhere, any time and she will break it down. Swinging her little hips and making up the most hilarious moves. My…
Soz About This…
1 September 2011I just thought I would quickly apologise to all those lovely, beautiful people who actually read our blog (well done to you for sticking with me – I really appreciate…
This Looked Smaller In The Shop… (Kyla Gets A Big Girl Bed)
30 August 2011Despite all the changes Kyla has gone though this week with not having her dummy any more – we decided it was time to go out and get Kyla a…
Kyla The Break-Dancer
29 August 2011Kyla and Ri love to go to the park down the road from Ga’s house. It brings Ri so much joy that when she hears “park” she will go and…
Bedtime Traditions
27 August 2011I’d love to say that after the kids have finished all their organic, home made vegetables and protein for supper, had a lovely bath, gotten dressed without a fuss and…
It’s The Little Things…
26 August 2011Recently our girls have developed a sense of humour and are starting to play well together – I just LOVE it! Here are a few moments that I had to…
Where’s My Cowboy Belt
16 August 2011My original title was “A Fling Can Fix Anything” but, when I read that it again I realised that it is a bit to ambiguous… That kind of “fling” definitely…
Is That A Lama Or An Alpacka?
12 August 2011On Tuesday we decided to explore somewhere that was not the Barnyard! After some deliberation we decided to drive half way across the world to the other side of the…
Teddy Does Time On The Naughty Chair
11 August 2011One day last week (I would tell you which one if they didn’t all blur together) I was sitting on the couch trying to catch my breath when I noticed…
Too Good Not To Share
2 August 2011In the party post I didn’t really put a lot of pictures of the girls because it would have been ridiculously long, but I can’t not share them… So here…
The Un-Social Butterfly
27 July 2011Neither Seth or I are very out going people. I thought I was the only one who really struggled with this (not being able to do orals at school without…
I DO Love My Sister (Believe It Or Not)
26 July 2011Although the girls’ personalities are like chalk and cheese, they really do get on well when they aren’t fighting! These are some of those precious moments from this month… In…
2 Year Old Abstract Artist
22 July 2011It is finally time for the 2 year old version of abstract art for Kyla. I have been looking forward to it since she did her last one a year…
2 Girls = Pink Presents!
21 July 2011So we decided to combine the girls party this year and their present too! Although they love the cardboard houses that Dada makes them, they don’t last very long now…
Let’s Meet At Spur
16 July 2011I am a Spur addict. I guess I must have a taste for life. Anyway, we recently met up with my good friend Liz Pitt (and sweet little Elijah) to do…
How A Two Year Old Spends Their Birthday…
15 July 2011Despite a pretty sucky night’s sleep which ended up with both of them in bed with us and Riya trying to sleep on Kyla – the Birthday Girl woke up…
Kyla The Photographer
12 July 2011Kyla does not like to be aware that there is a photo being taken of her. If she knows she will hide her head or pull and frowny face. But…
Walky Talky
7 July 2011Things in the Alfino household have really been happening in a far faster way than I thought was possible. A couple of months ago Riya started walking… I know right!…
I have been debating whether to make this blog about our months of sickness with a hint of a failed time away or if I should tell you about the…