The Ears Of A Toddler
23 May 2016There have been many articles written about the ears of a toddler. From how to clean them all the way through to questioning their function (because it’s clearly not used…
Three Year Old Things
4 May 2016Don’t worry Knox, I get it. Being three years old is a lot of hard work, but I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions, you know,…
Like Father, Like Son
2 September 2015The first thing that people say when they see the girls is, “Are they twins?” Once they get over the fact that they are not in fact twins and that…
They say life is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re going to get. I think that the same can be said about having children. When…
Party Packs – An *Almost* Definitive Guide
3 February 2015If I claimed this to a definitive guide to party packs I’d basically be saying that I’m Martha Stewart. And we all know that’s about as true as saying Saturday…
We Started School And There Were NO Tears!
22 January 2015When I pictured our first day of school I prepared for the worst. I envisioned children that had unbrushed hair, mismatched clothes and questionable status on teeth brushing to be thrown…
Can You Feel That?
23 October 2014Summer is here. (I’m inclined to say FINALLY, but I don’t want to sound ungrateful and scare her away again). Sitting in the sun and feeling the warmth that unfreezes…
Our Shaun The Sheep Party – More Pictures
4 October 2014I don’t normally post on the weekend, because like, it’s the weekend. But I’m breaking bad just once to share more of the pictures of Knoxs Shaun the Sheep party…
We Had A Shaun The Sheep Party (Including Free Shaun The Sheep Party Pack Printable)
29 September 2014I’ve always wanted a reason to have a Shaun The Sheep party. In case you’ve never experienced the awesomeness of Shaun The Sheep – let me educate you quickly.…
My Body Image Affects My Boy As Much As It Does My Girls…
8 September 2014I don’t like my body. I’m not sure if I have ever walked past a mirror and not cringed at a bulge there or the wobble there, or how weirdly…
Getting My Head Around It All
13 August 2014Finding the right words to convey my thoughts today is proving a lot more difficult than I thought it would. Basically, the last few weeks have been kind of amazing. I…
It Doesn't Even Matter
6 August 2014You know when something really trivial happens and no one else notices, but to you it kind of feels like the World has stopped until you process those thoughts and feelings?…
"Kyla And Riya's Bakery" Party
24 July 2014Despite how hectic planning a party can be, I am kind of sad that the girls party is over. So let’s quickly relive it through pictures, OK? In case you…
* Today is Kyla’s birthday and I just couldn’t get words to work for me, so instead of a letter to her, I’ll post the next best thing. How to…
A blonde haired, blue eyed boy. That’s exactly what I envisioned my first child to look like. Obviously after I met Seth and fell madly in love, I kind of knew…
It's Not All Unicorns And Rainbow Farts
30 June 2014Sometimes I sit and stare at the blinking cursor for what feels like hours. Thoughts swirling around in my head, a few make it to the keyboard only to be…
Her Maiden Voyage
18 June 2014Sometimes doing things for the first time can be really scary. But flying a kite is not even close to that at all. If you get it right, it can…
The Power Of Dad
11 June 2014So, like, I really try not to make this space one where it seems like we have it all together and get all the cool things and do all the…
Find A Good Space And Get In It
21 May 2014I always thought that everyone who ever said, “This too shall pass” to me, were right. Was it helpful at the time? Maybe not so much, because I was still dealing…
I May Never Leave The House Again
13 May 2014The other morning I was getting the girls dressed for school and I could not find one warm top that I could put on for them. Not a single one.…
Easter Was so Much Fun Y’all
24 April 2014I don’t know when I got all American y’all, but let’s just take the bull by the horns and run with it. Much like many fellow South Africans and the…
We Took Our Monkeys To See Some Monkeys
17 April 2014Every time we head out on the N2 to escape the city, we pass Monkeyland. Before kids I barely even noticed it as we whizzed on by, but as they…
Root 44 – A Super Fun Day Out
1 April 2014We have recently come to realise that although we absolutely LOVE to go on adventures and stay at little guest houses all over the country, sometimes the budget just doesn’t…