Parenting Fail
Keeping Your Own Identity While Juggling Motherhood
23 August 2016Now that our oldest daughter is seven, we’ve finally come to the point where we can joke about how much of a shock it was becoming parents. Well, that and…
Party Packs – An *Almost* Definitive Guide
3 February 2015If I claimed this to a definitive guide to party packs I’d basically be saying that I’m Martha Stewart. And we all know that’s about as true as saying Saturday…
"Mommy, 3 Is Enough, Hey?"
8 July 2014It was just another day for us. Me clutching both girls by the hand, reigning both of them from trying to hop into the road while trying desperately to miss…
It's Not All Unicorns And Rainbow Farts
30 June 2014Sometimes I sit and stare at the blinking cursor for what feels like hours. Thoughts swirling around in my head, a few make it to the keyboard only to be…
Tantrums – Mom VS Toddler
6 May 2014They woke up happy, haven’t fought once and they even said “thank you” after you gave them their breakfast. They’ve lulled you into a false sense of security – “nothing…
Snapshot In Time
16 April 2014Pictures are funny things. Although they clearly convey the scene in a crisp image, they can’t always capture the moment in full detail. Like the early morning wake up for…
Snapshot In Time
12 March 2014The last little snapshot was a lovely feel good moment, because in parenting, there are actually lots of those. But today, well today is the real deal. A grocery shopping…
Some Fights Aren’t Worth Having
6 March 2014One part of my day that I least enjoy is getting ready for work in the morning. It means getting out of my bed that I feel like I’ve only…
Dogs Are Hard Work – They Need Like, Attention And Stuff
3 February 2014Flip, our poor dogs. In case you were wondering about adding a pet to your life, let me give you a little heads up – DON’T! I mean I love…
Don’t Put Me In A Box (Unless The Box Has Dairy Free Chocolate)
30 January 2014Please don’t put me in a mommy box. Right now you’re thinking, “what are you even talking about?!” But you’ve totally heard of these boxes, you just don’t realise that…
School Today!
15 January 2014School starts today. It feels like just the other day it was their very, very first ever day at school. I guess time really does fly when you are having…
Catch Up And The Winners Of The vouchers!
3 December 2013I’m so sorry that this post is later than I promised, but there is nothing quite as debilitating as a tummy bug combined with raging fevers. Riya and I were…
On Life Lessons And How To Get Labels Off Glass Jars
25 November 2013This weekend was a blur of Christmas trees, airport adventures, decorations EVERYWHERE, fun family playdates and twinkly lights. Which, if you need a quick translation, means that it was actually…
We’re About To Be Ostracized From Playdates
20 November 2013When we came up with the name Knox it was pretty much because we have a thing for short names (Cindy, Seth, Kyla, Riya…), we liked how it sounded and…
How To Brainwash Your Husband
15 November 2013Can I just mention “The Epic Enthusiasm Fail of 2012” or more well known to the girls as “The Time We Killed Their Imagination Cos We Suck At Consistency“. Oh…
That Time I Lost My Child
12 November 2013So, maybe you can help me find my daughter. I know she’s there somewhere. Can you see her? What about now? Aaaah, there she is. I suppose I should tell…
To My Knox On Your First Birthday
1 November 2013* Before I begin – today is #nofilterday, if you’re feeling down about life and thinking that you are not managing everything as well as other Mom’s out there –…
Getting Back To Basics – Knox’s Very Toned Down Party
30 October 2013One year old parties are often criticized as being for the parents and not for the kids. And I suppose that could be kind of true to some people, but…
A Minor Breakdown And A Bunch Of Photos Of Riya’s Sticky Fudge Shoot
28 September 2013You guys, moving is no joke. I think my mind is about to break. Which I’m concerned about – because I’m not quite sure how to get it back together…
Parents – Stop Being Stupid
19 September 2013So, there is very little that I feel the need to “brand” or “categorise” as a parent. Whether you formula or breast feed, whether you cloth nappy or only use…
You’re Doing A Great Job
4 September 2013It’s not often that I am affected by the things that people say to me or about me. Not any more anyway (shout out to high school Cindy – you…
The Circus. It Happened. We Were There.
29 August 2013I like to make a big deal out of things. It doesn’t have to be a big deal, but I will make it one. It could be anything really –…
Mommy Fail – I Think I Just Heard My Girl Swear?!
22 July 2013Happy Monday! Or is it? Well this Monday is a day that is going to be filled with answers to so many questions about whether or not we will definitely…