We’ve Lived In A Van For 100 Days Today
8 October 2018Doing something for an extended period of time has never really been my thing. I fail at all those internet challenges there are out there. You know what I’m talking…
Marriage In The Van – Better or Worse?
12 September 2018Even though I really enjoy writing about all the places and the things we got up to while we were there, it doesn’t have the real release that blogging should…
Marriage: Staying In Touch
17 May 2018Is it weird that I talk about our marriage so much? Maybe it is. Look, I know some things should just stay off the web. Possibly things like worrying about…
The Franschhoek Wine Tram – A MUST
6 April 2018Yesterday I told you all about our time in Franschhoek, but I left out a big gaping hole in the middle of our stay – when we were out on…
Sexy Time In The Campervan – Explain
4 April 2018We’ve been posting a lot about how things are going to work in the campervan. I mean really, when you start to think about the actual every day workings of…
19 March 2018Every single time that I look at the Calendar I get a fright. How is it possible that we are already more than half way through March? We are seriously…
We Thought We Were Pregnant Again…
26 February 2018Before I really get into this, I just want to have a declaration of sorts. I know most of you sort of know me by now and are familiar with…
Trying To Love Camping
8 February 2018You guys know that I don’t really do outside well. In fact for a long time I avoided it like the plague because, well, there were so many bugs it…
Marriage: In It For The Long Haul
6 October 2017On the 21st of September, Seth and I celebrated being together for 14 whole years. Guys, that’s two years shy of spending half my life with this man. Pretty freaking…
A Tour Of Venice Before Heading Home
8 September 2017Our last day in Italy started like every other one – way too early. But I’ll give up on sleep any day when I could be exploring the quiet streets…
Day 3 – The Roman Suburb Of Trastevere
11 July 2017It’s obviously been a while since we packed our bags and left for Rome but it seems I have already forgotten SO much. I looked at these pictures and I…
After blitzing 40km on our first day in Rome, we wanted to take it a bit easier the next day. But that’s just not how we roll. Instead, our second…
Our Italian Adventure – Day 1 – Rome
19 June 2017Our first day hitting Roman soil was exhilarating, overwhelming and just so wonderfully amazing. We hit the ground running and basically didn’t stop until we’d done about 40km, gotten sufficiently…
Every single time I told someone that we weren’t taking suitcases with us to Italy, they just looked at me and laughed. Or if they were too polite to laugh…
What A Surprise! Our Sneaky Night Away In Cape Town
27 February 2017You’d think after being together for about 13 years that I’d know when Seth was up to something. Turns out that I don’t. Like not even a little bit. I…
Seth’s Surprise Party
6 February 2017I decided to throw Seth a surprise party. Which is cool right? Except for a few little problems: Seth is actually not that big on social gatherings so he’d either…
On Friday we had a wonderful, kid free date night. Instead of the usual dinner and movie at the Waterfront, we decided to mix it up a bit. Our plan…
The Deception Of Date Night
11 October 2016If you had cornered me a couple of years ago and interrogated me about my favourite types of movies, I would have wondered who the hell you were and tried…