*WIN* With Table Mountain Cableway
24 May 2018I don’t know if I have ever told you about the first and last time I climbed Table Mountain? It was waaaay back, before we had babies. In fact I…
A MEMORABLE Party On A Budget – #MoneySmartMoms
23 May 2018If there’s one thing I’m crazy about, it’s throwing parties. But y’all know that already right? I mean, who doesn’t love parties? Probably a few of you. I know I’m…
SKIN UPDATE: How Do I Hide My Red Face?
14 May 2018Looking like Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer on the daily is not easy. In fact it sucks butt. But it is what it is and I’m slowly making peace with…
Today marks exactly 50 days until we head out on our much anticipated adventure. It’s such a nice round number that you’d think I planned it like this, but in…
7 May 2018You guys have no idea how I could not stop laughing when I took this picture. She is so nervous being on the horse that she couldn’t even fix her…
5 Things That Help Me Get My Happy Back
26 April 2018I don’t know about you guys but sometimes I lose my happy. It’s not like I suffer from depression as a constant or even at all, I think. I don’t…
Sunday Is Our Family Funday
12 April 2018Every time I look at this photo I kill myself laughing. It’s just so Kyla. Not a damn chance you’re going to get a smile when she’s not feeling it. …
Best Travel Inspired Mommy Blog – That’s Us!
10 April 2018On Friday night, as I was gathered around the table with some of my favourite people enjoying a delicious supper, there were big things happening on Twitter. The winners of…
Take Me Back To Franschhoek!
5 April 2018A couple of weeks ago this guy and I celebrated 11 whole years of marriage. And every single one of them was to each other. Woo-hoo. Usually I write a…
Sexy Time In The Campervan – Explain
4 April 2018We’ve been posting a lot about how things are going to work in the campervan. I mean really, when you start to think about the actual every day workings of…
School In The Campervan – Explain
20 March 2018Do you know what one of the first things I decided about my parenting journey? That I wasn’t going to be a stay at home mom that home-schools her children. …
19 March 2018Every single time that I look at the Calendar I get a fright. How is it possible that we are already more than half way through March? We are seriously…
Time To Purge Our House Of Crap
15 March 2018So the other day we realised that we are running out of time to get our lives in order for this trip. Three and a bit months to be exact. …
Why I’m Scared Of Living In A Campervan For A Year
8 March 2018Maybe scared isn’t the right word. Maybe it’s worried. Or anxious. Or maybe it’s even too-used-to-her-creature-comforts-to-go-without, but that’s a flipping long word. Either way the thought of year in the…
DATE NIGHT – We Checked Out The Silo
22 February 2018I need very little encouragement to get dressed up. Wedding? Yes, I’m there! Dress up party? Tell me the theme and I’ll agonise over it for ages to find the…
5 Things I Learned Living In The Campervan (For A Week)
12 February 2018In case you are wondering… The answer is yes. Yes, we are in fact those weirdos that live out of their campervan while it’s parked in their front garden. I…
The Bulk Of Motherhood Is Just Doing Laundry
7 February 2018I always thought that mothers were being over-dramatic when they complained about all the laundry that they had to do. Like, yes, I know that kids can’t even eat toast…
WIN A R20 000 Education Bursary With Woolworths Littleworld
31 January 2018Like most of you guys we started back at school last week. And wow, it’s only been like 4 days but we are already back in full swing. Extra murals…
24 January 2018Just look at good old Optimus there. Back when he was working and stuff. I’d taken the girls to the park when Seth came rolling up with Knox and the…
I Put A Ring On It
23 January 2018Sorry to get all graphic there with a smoochy pic, but I need to prove a point. So indulge me for a moment, mkay? Way back in 2007, two barely…
Simon’s Town Fun In The Sun
16 January 2018What do cute little penguins, colourful gems and vintage toys have in common? Simon’s Town that’s what. As our last ode to the holidays before heading back to work, we…
A Day In Hout Bay
15 January 2018We had a super chilled holiday in the sense that aside from a little trip out to Frog Mountain, we spent the rest of the time in Cape Town. But…
Christmas Cheer Was Had By All
11 January 2018Is it too late to be talking about Christmas? Probably. But is this my blog where I don’t give a damn about what should and shouldn’t be done? Why yes…