It’s finally happened. All the papers are signed (well not really, because I’m not counting all the mountain of legal paperwork to come) but the decision making papers are signed. And that’s what’s important. We are moving. It’s really happening. Like for real.
I can’t tell you how just knowing what’s happening has already given me so much relief that I feel some of the stress floating off my shoulders and those blasted knots in my back. It’s great. Really great.
We have 2 months to pack up all of our worldy possessions and get ready to move them on over to our brand new house on 1 October. And to be honest I am so excited to start putting everything into boxes and clear through all our junk, making sure we only take what we need (clearing things out is a secret joy of mine – I really love giving stuff away). And then I can’t wait to unpack all of my things into new places in a house that I am totally and completely unfamiliar with – something that will be so new to me as we lived in my old childhood home.
Excited and relieved. That kind of sums up where we’re at right now. And even though I know there are so many challenges on their way, I am quite content with where we are at right now.
What exciting things have been happening in your neck of the woods?