I mentioned on Facebook the other day that I just can’t believe that we are at that phase where the girls can ride their own bikes to the park and we can go and have fun without much planning or fuss. I really cannot believe it. It is scary looking at them riding around and looking like proper little girls and not like my babies anymore (although, to be truly honest, Riya does need a fair bit of help – BUT it’s still better than carrying her!).
The girls absolutely love to be outside. This rainy weather that we were having was literally torture for Ga who had to keep them inside all the time. Yesterday they begged me to go outside about 10 times, just so that they could, according to Riya: “wun wun wun”. (Picture this being said with her arms bent right up and shoulders raised as high as they can go, and rapidly moving them in a “running fast motion” – so cute!)
So, when there is glorious weather in Cape Town, which is happening a little more frequently nowadays, we make sure to take a trip down to the park. It’s so easy now that we even went to the park twice in one day! That is definitely a first.
So Gorgeous!!!!!
Beautiful 🙂
[…] throw back to when they were first able to ride bikes at all! I think Knox was still a teeny tiny bubs […]