I really enjoy reading blogs. Like, really enjoy it… I find blogging a bit therapeutic and a way to lose myself for a bit in the evenings after mostly hectic days. It also gives me something to do besides watch TV when Seth has to work in the evenings (can you tell by the consistency of my posts how often this is happening). Oh, and what better way to procrastinate and not study!
Although I love reading blogs, I find good quality blogs hard to find. My favs are blogs about real life parenting. I HATE giveaway posts (mostly because these peeps are based in America, so really now… But also, like flip. Get readers because of what you write instead of bribery.) I also don’t enjoy review posts or little emo sayings about cute and cuddly things. That could just be because I’m mildly cold hearted, but mostly because I would rather read about real life. I want to read about other people that struggle with parenting as much as I do and where they can give real, lived advice and not just fancy words on paper. Or worse, a fake reality that no real parent can possibly do or that just makes me feel bad about myself. I want blogs that I can relate to, where people make it through this life one day at a time. Just like what I try and do on our bloggy.
So on that note, this is a couple of blogs that I really enjoy. They also post quite often so there is always something to lose yourself in.
- My friend Julia may not be a “regular” poster every day, but she is in the process of becoming a Mommy. She is recording the memories of this process on her blog. So very exciting!
- My dearest friend Zoe also has a blog that she records life being a teacher, mommy of a gorgeous almost one year old, studying part time and just crafty things in general. She is an inspiration!
- Liz is one of my closest friends in life chronicles the life of a SAHM to a gorgeous little boy. She also has lots of encouraging posts about life and love too.
- This one I kinda found in some random way, but I enjoy reading the blog. Allie is the mom to a 2 year old little boy, I can’t remember ever reading some kind of giveaway or competition or any of that crap. Only real life living. The blog is It’s a Wonderful Life.
- Look. Snap. Love is a new blog that I randomly found and now kinda stalk a bit. She is also pregnant, with baby 4, so it’s great to identify.
- I am blessed with friends who also blog about life, this is Kirsty’s blog. She has a gorgeous daughter and her blog is well worth a read for the crafty ideas too!
- Technically I know the name of this blog is not really, um, right. But I really enjoy it. This woman is real. No fake stories, only real life. The blog name? Motherhood WTF!
- I just love the way that Kayla Aimee writes. Her story is very unique. She has a baby girl about 20 odd weeks early! It’s crazy, but definitely worth a read. There is a few giveaways and reviews and the like, but there is normally enough normal things to get over this. The blog name – Only Slightly Neurotic.
- Sometimes Sweet is another blog written by a lovely lady. She is passionate about her son but also about tattoo’s a great combo.
- Another real mom. She has 3 boys and one of them has autism. This is how she gets through life – Stimeyland.
- A fantastic stay at home mom who teaches her 4 kids too! I am always amazed at Taryn’s great attitude about life. The Hayes Happenings is their website.
- Caramella Clan is a realtively new blog by my friend Julie. Another mixed race couple (which is awesome in itself – no offence same race couple friends) and they are emergency safety parents for little tots that have been given up by their Mommies. A very caring and strong couple to do what they are doing. Definitely worth a read!
If you have more in that same kinda of vein, I would love to hear about it.
Then last but definitely not least, I just want to thank everyone for the support and comments on our little section of the interwebs. I must just tell you how much I appreciate the kind words, comments on the blog/Facebook and for the “likes” on our little FB page that I never update. Oops. I know that I am writing this for my little girls (and hopefully boy soon) to remember their quirks and awesomeness of this time, but it’s so encouraging to have feedback and support from friends.
So with that, have a fab Friday everyone!!
Have a look here they’re mostly SA blogs http://blogs.parent24.com/ or http://letterdash.com/kupcake_03/8-weeks-old-today
I find reading/blogging therapeutic as well, everyone is so honest and out-spoken, really gives you something to think about!