Did you know that Mom’s have super powers? No? Just think about it… They seem to know everything and are ready to pounce into action and save the day whenever trouble is near. Stopping the one child from hitting the other without turning around or knowing who started it without the stammered explanations. Unlike Superhero’s we don’t need the bat signal to get into action though – all I need is my fling stained jeans and maybe a naughty chair.
I am sure that if you are a Mom yourself, you can pick out your child’s cry through that of 20 others – even if they are all crying at the same time! Before becoming a Mom myself I thought it was just a myth – judging from the times I had been in the creche there was no way that you could tell them apart. Even with our girls being so close together and sounding practically the same I can tell you which one it is, and even can tell you if it’s going to turn nasty or if it is just an I’m unhappy announcement. Unfortunately/fortunately (I suppose it’s just the way you look at it) this magical gift even extends to the smell of their poops… But I’ll leave that one right there…
It is an internal struggle to leave them be when I have taken a moment to myself and Seth is being the parent on duty and then suddenly I hear a melt down in process. It mostly happens when I want to sleep in or take a lovely long shower. Then I hear the crying and it’s like my heart is pulling me towards the noise, willing me to go out and solve the issue and not wait for Seth to fix it. It’s hard for me to accept that I am not the only one that needs to be there for them, that Dada has an important role too. I really have to restrain myself… During the day…
But at night, it’s more like this mommy blogger who said, “I am startled awake by shrieking. Shrieking that is getting closer and closer to where I am trying to put my head farther under the pillow than Alex. You know what they say about how you don’t have to outrun the bear, just the person with you? That’s what Alex and I do at night. You don’t have to be completely asleep, you just have to be more asleep than the dude sleeping next to you.” I totes LOLed at this – that is so me, but apparently when I casually mentioned this funny fact to Seth he was all like, “No I’m not” and I’m like, “Yes you are” and I’m sure you get the picture… Even when he read it now he insisted that he really is not like that… We have decided though, that he just will not wake up… At all… No matter what… During the first 3 hours after he has fallen asleep… Woe to you who waketh the slumbering Dada Bear during those 3 hours…
Any hoooo…. Hopefully these holidays will be less crying and more bonding…