Unfortunately in South Africa we have adopted many of the American traditions and not enough of our own. So this is definitely not related to Thanksgiving… Even if it was… In typical Alfino style, we are doing this late… So there, take that American traditions…
I am so, so, so thankful for:
Two beautiful girls who are perfectly healthy, happy and loved.
A husband who loves and cherishes me and clearly shows me this every day.
Parents and extended parents who loves us, help us and guide us in our struggles as new parents.
Ga (Seth’s Mom) who lovingly gives up each day to look after the girls and show them the love and compassion that they need while I am unable to.
My Mom who willingly gives up her evenings or mornings or random times to come over and babysit the girls, even when it may be inconvenient.
That my girls were able to meet and know 2 Grandfathers! I never even had one, so I am very grateful for the important roles that they play in their lives.
That my girls are able to experience the joy of not only Grandmothers, but a wonderful Great Grandmother too! (We love you Matjie)
For siblings that aren’t only siblings, but friends (yes, that means you Shane, Romy, Mia and Ben).
That we are able to have and care for children of our own.
That my children can run around, talk and are not inflicted with any severe illnesses.
Time that we are given everyday to spend together as a family, getting to know one another and dealing with and loving each other despite our endless flaws.
Family holidays full of memories and fun.
Real friendship that although we may not get together often, when we do it’s like we were never apart.
Friends that are concerned about our well being and pray for our little family.
God’s amazing providence in all our lives (thinking especially of little Leah here).
A fantastic job, only made fantastic by my colleagues that get me through the work day by treating our little work group like a family and not just “the people we work with”.
The fact that during these times we even have jobs at all!
That we are able to have 2 lovely ladies come and help us around the house to maintain some semblance of order (otherwise there wouldn’t be any).
And lamely (oh my word, I didn’t realise that was a real word), that people actually read our blog and keep encouraging us with their heartfelt and loving comments.
Mostly I am just grateful for every day that I have to spend it with people that I love and who love me.