I refuse to let studying make me miss the magical moments with my girls (and Seth of course…), and if I don’t document it I will never really be able to look back on these times and remember them properly. There you go, that’s my reason for dedicating my Sunday nights to write about the happenings of the last week. (Plus, I feel I need some “me” time too, besides all the time I spend mommy-ing, wife-ing, working and studying.)
So the theory is “Sunday nights – Blogging nights!” (Say that with the E.TV presenters voice that he uses for action movies…. Aaaaaah yeah, now that’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout!)
I’ll leave you with a picture of my homie children… Yes the front of the bright pink cap is in fact silver, glittery sequins! And yes… That is a bright yellow tutu that Kyla put on all by herself…Apologies again for the blurredness, hopefully a new camera will be in our not too distant future…