Just look at good old Optimus there. Back when he was working and stuff. I’d taken the girls to the park when Seth came rolling up with Knox and the dogs chilling in the camper. We went for a quick drive around our area to give him a run (after just sitting in our garden since we fetched him from Kimberley). That was the last time he worked! Eeek. Having a 40 year old camper is no joke. We will get him in working order again soon though so all is not lost.
It’s been quite a while since my last Currently post, I actually had to look it up and it was in OCTOBER! Usually I’m pretty good at doing at least one of these a month but the end of last year was a special kind of crazy. I hoping to bring them back again because I like the random blurbs that can go in here – not enough for a whole post on their own but still what’s happening to us now. Do you enjoy these posts? Any specific headings you’d like to see in one?
Doing: Right now the only really big thing in our lives is that we are currently in the process of selling our flat. Once that’s finished we are going to get started on giving Optimus his long anticipated transformation. Until then we are just planning, planning and planning some more. Poor old Optimus has had his insides redesigned more times than I can remember but I think we have found something that works now.
The craziest part about this whole thing is probably that in the 70’s they didn’t give a crap about road safety. Only the front seats have seat belts. So we are going to have to gut Optimus and start from scratch by installing back seats with working seat belts so that the kids have somewhere to sit when we travel. Because we are ALL ABOUT CARESEAT SAFETY!
Thoughts on Day Zero: I’ve been wanting to do a whole post on this because I am actually glad that we’re going through this. As a society we are just used to everything being there and not taking care of the World that we live in and now we are paying for it. The way people waste our natural, limited resources scares me and I’m glad that they will hopefully be changing their lifestyles to not be such chops in the future. Here’s to everyone doing their bit to stop the cycle of waste in our communities.
My body is not happy with me: I’ve been so very good on my diet but slowly leading up to the New Year I fell off the wagon. Slowly at first – a piece of bread here or a chocolate there. But then I was full on eating burgers for every other meal when we went out. The price I paid showed in my skin, but also around my butt. I put on 5kg in the last 3 or 4 months and I’m feeling gross. So I’m not going hardcore but I am trying to get back to eating like I am supposed to. It’s hard! Like starting from scratch.
Seth is cycling now: It was his Christmas present and I thought he’d give up shortly after starting. But he has been cycling in to work 2 or 3 times a week now which is really just flipping amazing. I honestly don’t know how he does it, but he does and he is feeling less sore now. Aside from doing his bit to save on petrol and the environment and stuff, the only annoying thing is that I can’t ask him to pop into the shop on the way home any more.
Watching: Still loving our series binge in the evenings. It really is the time I look forward to in the day to just switch off from the drain of social media, the whining of my children and the stuff that I could rather be doing.
THE END OF THE F***ING WORLD: We started watching this one kind of by accident and we enjoyed it! The end was a bit sad but not completely unexpected. I’m interested to see if they make a second season.
THE PUNISHER: I absolutely loved this series – so much better than the other crap that they have put out. In fact this was on par with Daredevil for me. It was really good.
BORDERLINE: I love to have a lighthearted series to watch that is just funny. This is one of those and we’ve been enjoying it so far.
BLACK MIRROR: We’re about 2 episodes in to the 4th season and as usual they don’t hold back. I love that every episode is different and that it messes with your thinking. It’s probably one of the best series I’ve watched, making it on to my top 10 but in a different way to most series that we watch where you find a character that you relate to.
Playing games with the kids: I LOVE playing games. In fact I rather hate just sitting there with nothing to do which is why I either fill my time with reading or watching series. I can’t just be. Playing games with our kids has become a really cool family time now because they are at an age where they really play and it’s fun. We’ve been playing:
- Rummy Kub
- Charades for kids
- Sorry
- Monopoly
It’s actually scary how much I love the fact that they can do this now! Knox still not so much, but he does play along occasionally by teaming up with someone.
Enjoying: So last year at the Matthew Mole concert my phone got stolen. It was really upsetting at the time, but weirdly I didn’t cry. I know right? I’m still surprised by that too. Anyway, I got a new one and I have been really enjoying getting to know it and the types of photos that it can take for me (because really, that’s all I need my phone to do). It’s been fun trying it all out and I’m really happy with it. (It’s a Huawei P10 Plus I think).
And that’s about all that’s happening right now. What going on with you guys?
I love these posts! Put an old style basket on the front of bicycle and he can shop for you!
That’s a great idea!! He does need something to put his work stuff in instead of wearing his bag on his back – will defs mention it to him 🙂
2018 is out year to do more of what we love!! It’s going to be amazeballs. Big hugs
Yeah – let’s do it!
Interesting blog post
WOW!!! I just found this on Google images, Optimus cool name! A Volkswagen T2 coachbuilt camper, a rare beast indeed. Looks fantastic. Love your post, your blog and your cookies 😉
Thank you!!