Recently our girls have developed a sense of humour and are starting to play well together – I just LOVE it! Here are a few moments that I had to giggle…
The girls often spend the end of the night (from about 3 onwards) in our bed, not ideal but whatevs. So Kyla was awake early and sitting up, staring at Riya who was still asleep. She then starts poking her. Riya literally wakes from the dead and sits all in one motion – like true scary movie rigamortis style. I get a fright, but Kyla just says “Haaallllloooooow” and tells her “Dada” and points to his pillow. Then “Mama” and points to my pillow. Neither of them acknowledging that moments ago Ri was fast asleep.
Riya’s new favourite passed time is to run around going “Aaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” – a continuous noise. Sometimes while catching Kyla, but most often for no apparent reason… We managed to capture this moment…
Kyla has a slide at Ga’s house and if Ga (or anyone) asks if they can slide on it, she shouts no and gets upset. If you ask why she says, “BIG” and taps her bum…
They play Peek-A-Boo with each other behind the curtains and really laugh when they find each other. Over and over and over again. Sometimes this happens with the play house too, popping out of random windows and doors send Ri into hysterics!