We are one-fifth of the way in to what could easily be the busiest week ever.
In this week alone we are squishing in 3 concerts, a graduation, a karate watching day, a ballet party, a school Christmas party and the last day of school on Friday. Yikes. Just writing it out loud (is that a thing?), is giving me heart palpitations. Oh and somewhere in between all that I want to put the Christmas tree up because it’s 1 December on one of those days. I think. Oh who am I kidding, I can’t think anymore.
Just yesterday I totally forgot to pick up my daughter. Granted it was only because her school ended an hour earlier than normal, but still. The poor sausage was sitting there wondering if we’d forgotten her. Oh and last week, I got all of our family to the karate watching day. Which is actually only today. So there’s that.
I can’t wait to share all the concerts and special moments here next week, but in the meantime, let’s catch up on other things shall we?
(On that note, is there something specific that you’d like me to check in on whenever I do these posts? I sort of just wing it, but I’d love to hear if there is really something you want to catch up on on the regular.)
Watching: We’re stuck without a series again. Why is everything so short?! Anyway, I hear the next season of Vikings is coming soon so at least there is something to look forward to. But it’s actually suited us quite well, Seth has been completely redesigning our house in the evenings and so I have been watching marathon sessions of Parks and Rec. I think he even enjoys half watching it with me now. YAY
Also, I feel like we need to get this whole Gilmore Girls thing out of the way. Full disclosure: I have never watched it. In fact, I have absolutely no intention of watching it. Like ever. This is apparently offensive to pretty much everyone and I apologise. But I just can’t man. I haven’t watched even a half an episode, but the Mom annoys me in pretty much everything else that I have seen her in – her acting is just a bit, off. I can’t explain it. Do you know what I mean? So watching a show with her just feels like a small bit of torture.
Reading: Every time I go and have my hair done at Stylebar in Palmyra Junction, I stop at this second hand book store and pick up a new book. Now that I have just finished my book club book of Gone Girl, I am not reading something by Jodie Picoult that I am struggling to enjoy – which is weird because I usually love her writing style.
Adapting to: In the spirit of trying to be a YES Mom, I am trying to be more lenient. Even when every fibre of my body is saying NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! So, instead of declaring the water too cold, the time too late, the sun too low, my patience too little – the usual. Instead of that, we had our very first swim of the season in our pool at home.
The verdict? It was WAY too cold!!! But they still insisted on swimming until the sun went down.
Realising: So, I know there’s been a big issue with my blog mails going out to all you wonderful people. The irony in me writing it here is that you may not even see it because you probably don’t even know that there is a new post up. I’m trying to fix it. Really – the fact that it’s not going out to nearly 200 people that wanted to get it makes my heart hurt a bit. But I have found a temporary solution.
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Managing: Every night before the girls go to sleep, they need to be read to, prayed with and then have a song played for them. It’s so essential to the nightly routine, that if you skip the song they will literally scream until their heads fall off. And I figure, it’s not a bad thing so I roll with it.
The result is that it is occasionally turning into a bit of dance party. They dress up in scarves and things they find lying around and the next thing they’re all grooving to Taylor Swift. Also, yes, I just said grooving. Feel free to call me old, my kids do it all the time.
Excited About: Putting up the tree.
I’m finally feeling like I am almost about to be in Christmas mode. Not quite there, but there enough to at least be considering it. I’m thinking of doing it on the last day of school. Doing the tree, playing the carols, wearing the jammies, eating the mince pies, drinking the hot chocolate and then watching a Christmas movie. Yes. Just saying it out loud has cemented this in my mind.
It’s happening.
If you’re into crime dramas, I can’t recommend down loading “The Bridge” enough. It’s a Scandi series, so you have to get used to subtitles, but I found that doesn’t bother me at all. Takes a while to get into season one (three seasons – SO GOOD), but so worth it.
I saw that everyone’s excited about Gilmore Girls. I watched a few episodes way back when, but I don’t remember anything about it. I hear what you’re saying about the mom – she was in that Diane Keaton/Mandy Moore film, don’t think her acting was memorable there either.
Gave you a vote in both categories. Good luck! 🙂