I think if you had to put a gender to Cape Town it would have to be a woman.
One day she’s all flirty with the sun shining, birds singing and getting you a bit hot under the collar. Then the next minute she’s so cold that it leaves you going over the last weeks worth of conversations just to figure out what you’ve said to upset her.
It’s downright confusing.
But do you know what’s more confusing that trying to navigate a Cape Town Winter, uh, I mean Summer, no I mean Winter? It’s trying to figure out how to dress your kids every day. It drives me nuts.
Do you ever open your kids closets and realise that without really noticing it, they’ve suddenly grown out of everything that’s in there? Or worse, when you opened the cupboard the bright colours and patterns of all the clothing that they’ve been given actually burns the eyes right out of your face? That ever happen to you? No? It’s almost happened to me, but luckily I managed to close my eyes and the cupboard in time, then I set it on fire for good measure.
Uh, what was I saying. Oh yes, when you know that your kids can’t wear a lot of their current wardrobe and you have to do something about it. You know you need to replace their clothes, but it’s almost Summer. So do you buy Winter clothes or Summer clothes? How do you make it work?
Sticky Fudge (one of our very favourite kids clothing brands) is helping us out with this little problem. You see, Summer closets are made in Winter and if you head on over to their online store right now, you might just find the sale still happening (I know it was when I checked this morning). With all of the options available (both Summer and Winter) it’s really easy to mix and match as well as layer your kids clothes so that they leave the house warm but also looking great too.
There’s a few things I love about Sticky Fudge, let me tell you about them.
First up, I love that the clothes not only look good but they are made well too. Secondly, I love that they’ve designed their ranges to work together. The colours all perfectly match each other so you don’t end up leaving the house looking like a rainbow vomited on your children (as we’ve sometimes had the misfortune of doing). And thirdly, I love that my kids still look like kids while wearing clothing that I would wear myself. Freaking genius.
We’ve been mixing and matching the dresses and shorts with the longer tops for the girls and for Knox? Well, you really can’t go wrong with a white long sleeved T and a denim shirt on the top to keep him warm when it turns cold (which it inevitably will).
Although this lot of clothing was sent to us by the wonderful people at Sticky Fudge, I also hopped online and stocked up on some gorgeous Summer essentials that we just couldn’t go without. I’ll share those when I get it too.
Here’s a few more pictures that we took while we were away enjoying some sun in Robertson this past weekend. Kids are all dressed in Sticky Fudge gear that you can still find online now.
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I love that denim shirt. And Knox’s hair!
LOVE that outfit on Knox!