This week started out with so much promise.
And then it slowly started going downhill from there. No real reason why, except that maybe I’m just a little bit hormotional right now. Which doesn’t make sense. Maybe it’s the Roaccutane?
Thinking: This is hard to put into words, but I’m going to try. One of the things that I thrive on, besides time spent with people I love, is positive affirmation. Not necessarily on superfluous things like putting together a great looking outfit or getting my make up done perfectly. On real things that have meaning to me – like being a Mom, a wife, a business owner and a writer. I’m probably more than those things, but it’s what I regularly use to define myself – I could add daughter, sister, friend but that would just be depressing cos I’m sure I’m seriously failing at all of those things right now.
For the most part I just plod along and keep on doing what I need to do for all of those things – especially Motherhood, we all know that’s a thankless job and I’m pretty much OK with it. I think I’m just struggling right now because I received a huge compliment in one section of my life but I’ve not been validated at all for any of the rest of it. Gosh I must sound like the biggest fool needing to be told that I’m good at something to feel like I’m good at it, but there you go.
Trying: To take Roaccutane seriously. I’ve been lax, indulging in a few glasses of wine every now and then – justifying it by not taking any tablets that day, not eating properly and generally not looking after myself very well. I’m a full month behind the course due to all the pills I’ve skipped – eeek. So this month I’m back on track. Despite the blurry vision and cracked lips I’m sticking it out – never to ever be repeated again. Ever.
Enjoying: I love all of my kids, obviously, but there is something magical about being (almost) 3. I took all three of them with me to the opening of Hamleys in the Waterfront (you need to check it out – it’s down next to Ster Kinekor Nouveau). Despite the fact that I had done the work of 20 marathons and 1000 burpees in trying to manage them by myself, we had a great time. But Knox guys. Knox.
All his favourite people were there – Batman, Spiderman and of course IRONMAN! His face was like if I had to see Brad Pitt in person – jaw hanging open, eyes wide in wonderment and adoration. I managed to get a short clip of it on my Snapchat – something I will forever cherish. Maybe one day he’ll look at me like that haha.
When I showed him the picture afterwards you had to see his face when we saw Spiderman photo bomb – it was just too precious!
Also, I thought Batman was the rudest person I’d ever met, until Seth pointed out that his mouth was part of the mask… Uh. Duh. I just couldn’t figure out how he never even smiled at us! Blonde moment of note.
Plotting: It’s almost Knox and my birthday. I can’t even believe it. He’s turning 3 and I’m so close to 30 I can almost taste it. Thankfully I’ve still got a whole year before I get there – I plan to rock my last year of my 20’s. So with that in mind we are having a Superhero themed party. Yes, you read that correctly, WE are having a superhero party where EVERYONE has to dress up – adults included! I am beyond excited! On that note, I have a lot of stuff to make. As usual. (Check out our other parties here)
Watching: Too much trashy TV. Gosh people, what is wrong with this World?! Dating Naked? Catfish? It’s entertaining to watch (which probably says more about me than it should) but my word, people are just plain silly. This guy on Catfish gave this girl that he knew (from the Internet) his bank details. He’d never met her. She then bought herself AN ENGAGEMENT RING and told everyone she was engaged to him. Sigh.
Loving: My new business cards. I finally took the plunge and invested in my little blog. It felt like the right time and honestly when someone asks me what the blog name is so they can check it out, and I rattle off the long name – they’ve usually fallen asleep by the time I get to “2 Dogs…”. This way, they won’t forget and one day they’ll find their way over here. Also, I am hugely into my blog, but I am hugely into finding really good quality and affordable insurance for people. I used to be ashamed telling people I was a broker, because it’s almost like offensive to them, but I really do help people find the best cover for their needs. So like, contact me if you want to relook at your insurance.
I can sooooo relate to the affirmation thing. When I think about it I think, God woman you’re supposed to be a grown up, but the truth is that I need that affirmation in the work place and at home. I’m constantly needing to be told I’m doing a good job. I don’t know why, but I am glad that I’m not the only person feeling this way.
Totally understand what you’re saying in terms of the validation. Sometimes we just need that acknowledgement even though we know we’re doing a good job, we like to know that someone else thinks so too.
So sad I missed the opening of Hamleys but loved seeing the IG pics of Knox!