Isn’t it weird how the year can feel a bit like it’s dragging on and on and then suddenly you look up and it’s September?
September is always a notable month in the year for me. It just feels different. Like it’s the page of the book that you’re going to turn over and the plot twists like cray cray on the next page. Maybe because it’s our birthday (Knox and I get a whole year older on the 25th) but I don’t think it’s just that.
There’s also the season change and suddenly we go from dark, cloudy and cold days to longer, sunnier ones that are fragranced with the budding of new flowers. Guys it even smells different. And I know it sounds crazy, but I am determined to plant as many jasmine bushes around my home as possible, so that one day it’s going to smell like it did in Italy. I can’t get over that smell. I need it in my life. Whether or not the Cape Town rain situation will play ball or not is a totally another story. But we’ll get there.
Anyway, what I’m saying is that I feel like we’re on the brink of new things this month and my mind is all over the place trying to figure things out.
Like, let’s talk birthdays. Every year I think, “No it’s cool, I don’t mind having a Transformers themed party to celebrate my 31st birthday with my son. No worries. I don’t need to have my own party. Then every year I have this huge desire to have a big party with all my friends – with fairy lights and everyone dressed in theme. But then I don’t actually want to organise it at all, so there’s that.
Another thing I want to chat about quickly is that you may have noticed that the blog has been a bit quiet recently. It’s really not how I want it to be. Really. But I’m not even sure what to write about any more. What do you want to read about? I have a few brands that I’m working with but I flipping hate it when you go onto the home screen and every post is sponsored. That’s not what this is about but I’ve hit a dry patch and I’m not sure what you want me to fill it with?
I’ve noticed that although a few of you really enjoy the travel posts, they are doing the worst of all the posts. And I get it, if you’re not planning on going there, have been there or really want to see the pictures, it’s just not worth reading. The good news is that there’s only one more post to go and then Italy is done and dusted.
So talk to me. Tell me what you enjoy reading and I promise to give you more of that.
I think its important that you celebrate your birthday as well, on your own terms. Tell hubby what you want and he needs to make it happen (dont expect it to be like you planned it, they dont follow directions, not even pictures). I honestly didnt read the Italy posts because like you said, I have no interest in going there 🙂 On that note however, maybe you could branch into travelling with 3 kids, 2 dogs and 1 old house 🙂 Hehe. I could also read more about how you handle parties and stuff like that? hope that helps, this is why i dont write blogs 😛 Way too much upkeep.
Thanks so much Jade! I have been toying with the idea of asking Seth to plan it for me. I know he’d do a great job but then I feel like a burden because party planning is way more my vibe. Maybe I’ll just do a home party. Hmmm, now my mind is buzzing.
I have thought about doing more travel posts (well as much as we can with our current lifestyle), but we might have something interesting in the works for a year or two’s time. I’ll chat more about it once we have figured out a few more things. Love the party idea! Thank you!
Hmm I always enjoy reading your parenting situations with the girls, because although I’ve been a ‘rent for 16 years (aaack), being mom to a girl is so new to me. So like, for example, when I read about your ear piercing episode that was a cool read. Also like your party ideas.
Ah great idea! I’m not sure what else with the girls I could go into but I’ll chat with them and see what they are comfortable with.
Oh and I LOVED the ‘Around the world’ dinner themed thingie that you did with your buds. I wana do something similar but like, I’m lazy, and all that.
With you – I’ve been wanting to do it again ever since but just haven’t had the time or inclination to make it happen haha
I have loved reading the Italy posts, mainly because it takes me back to our honeymoon there 5 years ago. I guess I still like to hear whats going on in the Alfino house, kid stuff, you stuff, currently posts, the odd sponsored post yes. As a family-type blog, I guess I come back for you honesty and authenticity. x
Thanks Debs for always reading. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. I’m trying to think of more random family things but my mind is totally blank. Will give it a good think and see what I can come up with.
I loved the Italy posts, thanks for sharing <3 Maybe this is your season of change? Don't write if you're uninspired, it's just gonna suck. Have your own birthday party with fairy lights, loads of wine and good friends. We'll be here waiting to read all about it x
This is great advice! Maybe it is time to give this whole thing a bit of a rethink or at least, take the pressure off. And you have totally just cemented in my mind the party I’m going to throw! YAY!!
I personally have loved reading all your travel posts! Although they have made me insanely jealous I have still looked forward to each new installment. On the what to read matter… Your posts are like 80% personal posts so a few sponsored/brand/product posts won’t hurt! And then on your birthday matter… I think that you need to send the kiddies to granny and have an adult party! Celebrate spring and have an awesome outdoors picnicy, fairy light, boho kind of theme! (mine was brilliant) Or since its the correct time of year, have an Oktoberfest theme! You can even get Mitchells brewery or something to set up a keg in your garden 🙂
That fairy light, boho vibe is totally what I have been pining over for ages. I really wanted to do it for my 30th last year and it just didn’t happen, so maybe I need to make it happen this year. That’s it, it’s happening!!
Fairy lights party must happen, Cindy you’ve been talking about it for years! Maybe a small after school party for Knox like the girls had? And then have your big, fairy lights and origami birds party for you.
My blog reading of late has been hit or miss. It’s all about the mood I’m in. My favorite type of posts are always slice of life ones…don’t know if that helps you.
You are so right – I need to just do this party so I can work it out of my system!!! With you on the blog reading – I’m in the same boat, I want to read but only ever end up reading the ones I see on social and even then only the ones that catch my attention. Ugh. It’s getting harder and harder to keep this up
I love reading all your posts, even the travel ones. I am kinda in the same boat with my blog, so no advise. I do think you should have your own party, I’d even plan it if I wasn’t 8 months pregnant (and if I got invited lol). Something small to celebrate you.
LOL, thank you for volunteering to plan it but as you say, sit your lovely 8 month pregnant butt down and relax!!
Nooooo, i don’t want Italy to end! Its taken me on an adventure. I love reading about your kids and about what you guys get up to as a family. Don’t you want to share some of your sugar free treat recipes? Maybe tell us what your ideal “adult birthday” would be. And perhaps you should have your own seperate party this year. I know its a lot of planning and and and, but you will thank yourself in the end.
I might do one more post on Italy on our budget and how much it all cost. Like budget vs Itinerary kind of vibe. But yeah, then it’s over. I’m quite sad about it too. I definitely going to do the party. You guys have all convinced me and I love you for it.
Yay i can’t wait to read about your party. My birthday is the day after yours, lol we going hiking!
That sounds like loads of fun! I hope the weather plays ball for you!
Plan the party! It’ll be SO worth it 🙂 And it’ll be something for YOU on YOUR day. Excuse all the caps but I’m trying to emphasise here!! I reckon you send the kids to granny/grandpa and you have a massive party. And you don’t have to go big ito organizing and décor – you can still do super hero for the fun of it, but just have minimal decorations? You can even have a bring and share or get delivery???, hahahahhaa. I enjoy reading anything you write. But I get you on not being sure about what to write. I’m also having that issue but I guess for me, I have less followers and generally, I write for myself, to vent and record things as opposed to being worried about readership/followers 🙂
I’m totally going to do it, you guys have inspired and should I say, motivated me! I will probably limit the decor but will definitely just freaking go for it. Maybe only a wine and snacks thing, but something is definitely going to happen!!
I always enjoy your posts… Especially the honest and real ones. I can always relate to them on some level ? Happy Birthday Month , and totally
throw yourself your own party xx ?
Thank you! I need to do a bit more soul searching to see what else I can share about it seems 😉
I love your travel posts! I loved reading your very personal posts on your skin- I’ve just started zinc to see if it will improve my skin! Don’t stop writing! I wish I had the gift of wordsmithing ?
Thank you for the feedback – I don’t think I could ever stop writing altogether, I love it too much. Oh man I hope the zinc works for you! I’d love to hear back how you’re finding it in a couple of weeks!
Celebrate your birthday… write about the planning and then write about how it was. Great content. Great memories.
ON IT!!!!
I enjoy reading about your day to day life, challenges you and your family face (big or small, it is almost always relatable). I don’t think there is anything wrong with sponsored posts if the products or services have genuinely made a difference to you. Anyhoo. Don’t be so tough on yourself. We’re all busy. It’s a nice surprise to get a mail for your latest post, but think we all can relate to things being crazy and not always having something to say.
Thanks so much Shannon, that does make me feel better. You are so right – we are all busy and just can’t actually spend time fretting about things that really, in the bigger scheme of things, don’t actually matter!
I love reading the real-life posts, about random moments and things. I also loved the follow-up stories on your skin journey (mainly because I’m super interested in health stuff and also struggled with my skin). O, and the posts about your healthy lifestyle was also interesting. I loved your posts about planning your Italian holiday. Things that I normally like to read are food ideas for toddlers, any ideas for toddlers really – decor, parties, activities etc, but that is just the stage I am in with my child. I can imagine it is difficult to write when you are not inspired, so take time to get inspired or to formulate a ‘strategy’ about the direction your blog will take. Brainstorm topics that you are passionate about or want to research about and perhaps do a monthly post series on one topic and a weekly post series on another etc. Hope that helps!
This is super helpful – thanks so much Surina!!!
I really enjoyed the ‘Inside the home of…’ series. It felt like an Instagram behind the scenes – real, refreshing and inspiring.
I loved those too but do you know how hard it was to get people to be so open and honest! My gosh. It was like pulling blood from a stone.
You know I just actually really enjoy your posts cos you write like a typical cape town girl in such a normal down to earth way. I love your enthusiasm, everyday life titbits and mundane life as a mom of three. I enjoy the way you treat your readers as old pals and the random posts. I don’t read every one because let’s face it working moms have limited chill out time but look your blog entertains enough to get a full on comment from busy tired mom ? i suppose writing about Ur life sometimes could get intrusive for you…what about every now and then a post with some views on things relevant to you?
Thank you so much for that – I am so glad that you are enjoying the laid backness of it, it’s something I try really hard to keep up! And I’m so with you – it’s hard to keep reading when life is just so flipping busy.
I vote for you to have your own party! You will love it, and the kids will love it too – it’s a win win 🙂 I always enjoy reading about what you’ve been up to as a family. I’ve been trying to make more effort to just spend time with my daughter just the two of us, and I never seem to find the time…so this inspired me to keep on trying, I know it will be worth it and so special.
I’m totally going to do it – I’m going to throw my own party – YAY!! You are so right, it’s hard to make the time to do things things but when we do it really is SO worthwhile!
Yay for a boho fairylight party, I’m off to Earth Dance for my 30th on the 22nd, but i will be copying everything you do for my 31st next year ? re the blog- Your currently posts are great, I enjoy your humor and I love seeing CT since we moved to Jhb! And maybe it’s just because I have a 4yo, but I love the toy competitions ? i have tried to blog, it’s a tremendous task, Well done for keeping on keeping on!
Earth Dance sounds incredible! HAHA re the 31st next year 🙂 I’ll see how many more comps I can organise for you 🙂 I know what you mean, it sounds so easy and glamorous to blog but man, it’s hard work!
I personally love your travel posts, especially Italy as it is on my bucket list.
You definitely need to celebrate your Birthday with your friends….keep it simple so there is less stress. I always had plans for a big birthday bash but just thinking about it stressed me out. This year I have kept it really simple with an afternoon Victorian high tea and I am actually looking forward to it.
Perhaps you should get your readers to give you ideas for a Birthday bash that easy to handle.
Hey Cathy – I’m so glad that you are enjoying the Italy posts! They really are my favourite to write at the moment and such a great place to have on your bucket list!!
I have a very low key night in mind – cheese (for those who can eat it) and wine night at our house. Chilled with loads of fairy lights and that’s about it!
Ok I have to go with everyone else here and say HAVE A PARTY THAT IS ALL ABOUT YOU! You deserve it lady! And the very best advice I ever got for planning anything is – No one but you will know what you didn’t get around to other than you. What they see is what they’ll think should have been there. So don’t stress out about it. But yeah a TON of fairy lights? I can’t think of anything more magical indoor or outdoors, what else do you even need 😉 And as a Christmas-aholic, I have an entire box of just lights (only clear bulbs) that you are more than welcome to borrow if you need extras – no jokes we can totes make that happen.
As for what I want to read, gosh, I really do enjoy reading everything you put out but I’d say my favourite posts are probably your creative ones (i.e the ones I can totally steal ideas from) – so your party planning, your home decor, re-doing the garden, food and drink, even painting the house all interests me. I love your travel ones, Italy and the various long weekends and holiday road trips are so cool to see places I’ve never heard of or thought of going before. Like McGregor!
I’m always interested in anyones thoughts on stuff, like your currently posts – have you ever thought about doing more in depth reviewy type posts like for bookclub? I feel like thats the one thing missing from our virtual bookclub with not getting to really chat to anyone about the books. Though it could get to be a touchy subject if you didn’t like someones book haha.
More series? Your favourite item from every room in the house and the story behind it? (I mostly want to know the story of your table with all the writing on it, because I love it!) Or just favourite items you’ve been given/had passed down/inherited and things you’d like to pass on to your kids. Oooh a family traditions one like your Family Sundays post? Something with your readers? Meet the readers? How they found you, why they follow you etc? Ok I’ll shut up now haha. Whatever you decide to do I’m sure it’ll be awesome, you just need some downtime to let yourself be you again xxx
I absolute LOVE all your ideas – they are SO helpful . I am definitely going to use them. Thank you thank you thanks you! Also I may be in touch about those fair lights, I might use all the electricity in Cape Town getting it to look how I want to hahaha
Nope u need that party Cindy get hubby to plan it and you do ur sons, Ur a mom to 3 kids that needs her own party from time to time :), sorry i must admit i didn’t read the Italy posts made me to sad to know its not my future any time soon but damit now i have to go read 🙂 so glad you got to go was so excited for u, i love ur day to day post about and ur family and the funny antics of ur son a really character, just love ur blog all round
No man, shame you don’t have to go read it, I totally understand. And YES to the party – I’m going to do it and it’s going to be so awesome – I can’t wait!
Always fun to be able to celebrate your birthday too!
I love your lifestyle and parenting posts x
So glad you’ve got your head around actually doing something to celebrate your own birthday. You’re clearly great at it ( pleading that you don’t WANT to organise doesn’t fly after reading your excitement in your responses to comments!) Happy planning. Hooray.
Re the blog, I hear you about content. I always love your ‘daily grind’ type of blogs that give an insight into your life, marriage, family, parenting, home, etc. But then maybe I’m just nosey. Keep ’em coming anyway. Much love. xxx
LOL, it’s so funny as I was reading the comments I was getting more and more convinced and now it’s HAPPENING no matter what! Will totally see what other dirt I can share on the daily grind – thank you!!
[…] A couple days ago I mentioned that Knox and I share a birthday which means that this year I’ll be celebrating my 31st with a Transformers party. Which, as parties go, is not a bad way to celebrate. But I wanted more. Not because I think I needed more per say, I have just been pining away for a fairy lite boho vibes party since my 30th last year. I didn’t end up doing it because we went away for the weekend instead, but this year you guys have convinced me to do it and I love y’all for it. […]
I love your Italy posts! I don’t always read them the day they come out as it takes a while, but I always go back to them . I also love the Currently posts and any about your home and kids. Actually I enjoy them all! I would love a post on how much it costs in Italy – might help me to dream about my next trip!
I’m definitely going to do a Italy Budget post as the very last thing I do to wrap it all up. Just need to find all the things that we paid for so that I can get it all together.