What a flipping crazy month this August has been. It honestly feels like I’ve tried to cram 3 months of work into one and all while trying to juggle the kids collections, extra murals, organise our school fundraiser, plan another #CTMeetUp, blog occasionally and still maintain some kind of order at home. Shew. I’m tired.
But the good news is that so far the balls are still safely in the air. Maybe only an inch off the ground while it’s precariously balancing on my toe, but not completely dropped yet. And right now, that’s good enough for me.
Doing: All the things in the World. Everything. Or that’s what it feels like. But it’s OK. I find that when I have a to do list a mile long is when my mind is crazy efficient. So I think I’m plodding through it. It’s cool though, these kid pick ups at different times means that sometimes I have little helpers in my office. Granted all they do is play with calculators, take all the things out of my drawers and distract everyone else from their work, but still. It’s been good spending that little bit of alone time together. No replacement for an actual date like I did with Kyla, but still, nice to be together.
Planning: Can you believe I have to plan another party already?! I can’t. But here we find ourselves planning Knox and my birthday party for the end of the month. A Transformers party. Not really how I thought I’d celebrate my 31st birthday but I’m digging that we can celebrate together. I may just have to have a night out with friends on another night? But I can’t even begin to start thinking about that now too. Ugh.
Side note: We’re still going strong with our Bio-Strath and if you head over to the Facebook page you can win yourself a R1000 hamper to test it out at home too.
Finding a New To Us Restaurant: This past weekend we had a couple hours to kill in the Constantia area and so I asked for suggestions on Twitter about where to go. My friend EatWithASpoon recommended that we might try Open Door and a few others also suggested the Bike Park. Only as we pulled into the parking lot at Open Door did I realise that it’s all at the same place!
I’ve heard about the bike park from loads of friends and you can hire bikes to use there if you don’t have any of your own. We will definitely go back there and try that out. But we didn’t do that this time around because we were STARVING. So we went straight to Open Door and I think because it was about 4.30 they were offering their tapas menu. We thought it was really great value for money! R180 got you three different plates of food and a glass of wine. Winning. The kids food isn’t cheap but it’s substantial. Know couldn’t finish his and that says a lot because we have eaters in our house. All in all I think it was a real win! We’ll definitely go back.
I said no to the radio gig: As you can probably tell, I am stretched ever so slightly to thin as it is and so I listened to my husband (who knows me better than I know myself) and I turned down this opportunity. I’m sad about it but at the same time relieved that I won’t be making a fool of myself on air. I think I’m much better at writing than talking. Especially when it’s live. Eeek.
Watching: We have ploughed through quite a few series recently, so let’s recap:
IRON FIST: Oh my gosh. This guy is such a freaking whiny baby. I don’t know why we stuck it through but we watched it all the way to the end. It was tough. But we wanted to finished it so that we could watch Defenders.
JESSICA JONES: We started watching this ages ago and got three episodes in before finding something better. So we went back to it and after watching Iron Fist it seemed amazing. I t did eventually get into it though and it was a good series.
LUKE CAGE: We just started this last night. We have a long way to go but it seems pretty good so far.
GAME OF THRONES: Just finished the last episode of the season on Monday. I was a little bit let down by the ending – not enough people died. They threatened it, but didn’t deliver. Also it just felt like they were trying to wrap up too many ends in one episode. I thought the episode before this one was better.
Enjoying: So this weekend we bought cauliflower noodles from Woolies. I thought I’d just try them and see how it went down. The kids absolutely SMASHED them and I enjoyed them too! A really great replacement. Even though they’re cauliflower.
Sickness: I seem to have avoided getting really sick this whole Winter. Maybe getting meningitis last year used up all those sick vibes. Anyway, Seth hasn’t been feeling great for a week or so now and Knox was determined to make him feel better… Thought I’d share this here again in case you’re not in Instagram, because it is just too funny.
YAY Meetup time!
YAY! Hopefully I get it all sorted in time
Not sure if you have watched it, not kid friendly though: series on Netflix called Girlboss found is very airy fairy but empowering in a strange way. Also it IS very Girly Seth might not enjoy
YES I have watched the entire season even though she is slightly annoying I am with you! It’s empowering in a weird way
The restaurant coupled with the bikes sounds really great! We’re going to be in Cape Town on holiday with the kids in September and I’m looking for a few different things to keep them entertained…may just try this
As for the cauliflower noodles, keen to try that too, although a while ago, I was trying everything cauliflower and my hsuband eventually said NO, he can’t do ANY cauliflower anymore, hehe. You’re very lucky that you can take the kids to your office if needs be. I’m struggling with what I’m going to do when my oldest starts school next year i.t.o. picking him up and taking him home – it’s tough when you don’t have support…
I know what you mean, I don’t know how people do it when they don’t have close family or friends available. I hope you’re able to work something out for next year!!
You defs have to add this to your to do list in Sep!!