Have you ever felt like you were making killer progress with something and then all of a sudden you just plateau? That was me last week. And it was flipping upsetting to be honest.
You know my story right, I’m not going to rehash it all now. But I have cut out every grain (except rice), all dairy and all sugar (not including fruit that is naturally high in sugar, just man made added sugar – I figure if God made it to eat, I’m going to eat it. In moderation of course) and then alcohol. Most of the time. Because believe it or not, I am human and I do mess up every now and then. Mostly with wine. Because.
Yes, just because.
The thing is that making my body and face better is something that I take really seriously. Like really seriously. And so when everyone is eating ice-cream, I’m drinking cold water. When my kids are eating Easter chocolates on hot cross buns topped with cheddar cheese, I’m eating an apple. Well not really. I’m probably not eating an apple. I’m probably hiding in my room so that I don’t have to watch them eat some of my most favourite things right in front of my face. I might also be cursing the World as I rock in the corner of my shower, fully clothed and weeping. But that’s another story for another day.
Everyone has their cross to bear and this one is mine. I’ve made peace with that. It is what it is and all that.
But then despite sticking to my diet, regularly going for skin treatments at Skin Renewal and taking my probiotic I felt like I might have just hit a wall. That picture up there was me this weekend. This picture down here was me two months ago…
Not much has changed has it?
It’s OK. You can tell me it hasn’t. I know it hasn’t. And I was feeling really flipping bummed about it.
But then I went to my Doctors appointment at Skin Renewal and everything has changed.
You see, what happened was…
At the very beginning I was prescribed a whole lot of natural supplements that would do various things to help my body to help itself. Which meant that in those first couple of weeks of starting my new diet, skin care routine and just getting into the swing of this new lifestyle, I was also chugging a handful of pills down my throat everyday.
And then my face exploded.
Not in the epic way that you’d imagine…
It was more disturbing really. My nose quite literally doubled in size with a million different pimples that had found a home on it. Naturally I panicked because, well, duh. I went back to Dr Fred who then advised me to stop everything and just keep going with the probiotics.
So that’s what I did.
But what I really should have done is introduce each thing slowly. So that’s what we’re doing now.
Which means that this weekend I started with my first round of Anti-Bacterials which kill all the bad bugs in your system. You need to take 2 pills 3 times a day. And if you know me and the fact that I even have to schedule an alarm to take my pribiotic every night, you’ll know that I have only managed to successfully do this for 1 out of the 3 days that I have been taking it. But I’m hoping that with the holidays being over now, I’ll be back in a routine and it’ll be easier.
Improving my treatment plan for my skin & that means killing all the harmful bacteria in my gut with these bad boys. 2 tablets 3 times a day pic.twitter.com/ZvDN7LWc1u
— Cindy Alfino (@CindyAlfino) April 29, 2017
So far I feel a bit weird and I’m constantly hungry. But because I always want to be upfront with you, it’s probably because I’m PMSing like flip right now and that means that it’s all pretty normal.
In two weeks I’ll check in again before I add Zinc into the mix.
Hi Cindy, I also struggle with acne and a very oily skin for over 20 years now but have recently changed my skin products to organic products. The product that I am currently using is Esse (normal/oily skin)- check it out – maybe you can ask your Dr about this product. All I know is that my skin looks and feels amazing latterly after 2 weeks of using this product. It’s not harsh on your skin and doesn’t strip your skin of all it’s natural oils. The moisturiser isn’t oily, so on days when it feels like my skin wants to crack of dryness, I just add one drop of Hemp Seed Oil to my moisturiser. Anyway, good luck to you and I hope that your current treatment plan works!
Well done Cindy, it is so hard to eat the right things. I am struggling to not fall off the wagon but seems to be happening more and more with these holidays! Take my hat off to you though and thank you for the update )
I’m so glad I found this blog! I suffer from melasma and have issues with “flares” ( when everything goes ape!) and ineffective meds from time to time. Mercifully it’s under control again, but I can relate to what you’re saying ? %.
Wishing you strength for this battle.
AAAAh, that must have been such a bummer. I’ve cut out gluten, dairy and sugar, I’m loving how I feel, but man seeing someone eating something delicious just makes me want to cave and binge eat until I explode! Luckily I’ve been making some treats for myself that gets me through. Hopefully your skin will get better soon! Stay strong girl!