Open you diary quickly.
I’ll wait.
Is there anything in there for 9 April 2016? Yes? Whatever it is taking up the slot between 2pm and 6pm should immediately be cancelled because it’s time for the #CTMeetUp and really, nothing is more important than that.
How do you know if the #CTMeetUp is something that you should attend? Well ask yourself these important questions:
- Are you awesome? (I’ll answer that) – Of course you are.
- Are you a blogger that lives in Cape Town? Yes!
- Do you want to meet other Cape Town bloggers? YES YES!
- Have you been wanting to know more about how to work with brands online and what you should and shouldn’t do while blogging? Finally someone is going to help me!
Then you should immediately email me to book your ticket. Here’s everything that you need to know:
There are only 70 tickets available so don’t miss out.
So if you want to make sure that you don’t miss your chance to join in on the fun, make sure that you get in touch with me as soon as possible by mailing me at*. (If you’ve already attended a meet up or you’ve asked to be on the mailing list, you’ll be getting this email in your inbox anyway )
*(Please note that tickets are only booked on a “first paid-first booked arrangement”, so if you are keen to book your spot, please mail me for the banking details.)
PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU HAVE TO BE A BLOGGER TO TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF THIS EVENT – if you would like to attend as a non blogger, please let me know and we can still get you to the event. You would pay R220 and enjoy the full 3 course meal and drinks, but not be able to indulge in a goody bag. These are reserved solely for our bloggers. As space is limited, this would be limited to 5 people in PR/marketing/active social media.
Can’t wait. I have just sent you an email and am waiting for your reply.
[…] you’re not in the Eastern Cape, no sweat! Cindy (3kids2dogs1oldhouse) is arranging a Cape Town meet up in (guess where) Cape Town and Laura (harassed mom) will be […]
[…] On the same date there will be the #CTMeetup run by Cindy – read more about it in her post here. […]