The weekends disappear far too fast for my liking.
I mean really, it feels like I was just running around trying to prepare everything for the party and now it’s done. Bam. Just like that. All the cake was eaten (by the ants) and it’s almost like it never happened.
Doing: Working from home. My bed to be specific. We’ve had a tummy bug run around our family (Kyla getting it the night before the party!) and I thought I was immune. Well until last night… I don’t think I’ve been as sick as I have since having kids – they bring the weirdest things home from school. Ugh.
Making: I’m tapped out on the making front. I spent the whole of Friday baking the girls birthday cake only to realise afterwards that I used vanilla EXTRACT instead of ESSENCE. So instead of just putting in one or two drops as per the instructions, I put in like, 20mls. It was gross. And I don’t usually flop things that I bake so I was rather mortified, but honestly I couldn’t be bothered to make a whole new cake. Ain’t no body got time for that. So I just left it. Then to top it off, ants decided to take refuge in/under it over night. It was an all round epic fail.
But it looked kinda pretty.
I hand painted the rainbow with food colouring on white fondant.
Thankfully the wonderful people at Welsford Bistro and Catering made up for where I failed. I think themed cupcakes/biscuits are the perfect accompaniment to any party – no need to cut and fuss about it. And in our case, it could be the only edible cake on the table.
Trying: To keep our new family members alive. One of the presents that the girls received this weekend was two sweet little goldfish. Seth and I once had goldfish (pre-baby) and well, it didn’t work out so well for them. Let’s hope that Goldie and Gadija don’t meet the same end. (If you’re wondering, they named the fish themselves – Goldie for obvious reasons and Gadija because she is Riyas bestie at school).
Laughing At: I don’t spend much time on YouTube. I’d rather read blogs or a book, but when I do enjoy a good one I just have to share it. I have never been the subject of a filmed prank but I’ve always wondered how I would react.
This one is just hilarious – the way the guy at 1.30 reacts – I think that might be me. It would DEFINITELY be how Seth reacted and I’d die laughing forever.
And this. Well there are no words for this….
Plotting: We actually have nothing to plan until September when it’s Knox and my birthday party. But he has already decided that he wants a superhero party so it’ll be easy. Anyone know where I can get budget capes made as party favours?
Watching: We’re really struggling to find a series like Sons of Anarchy, Dexter and Breaking Bad – where the main guy is maybe a little twisted and broken, where the series is gritty and real. Just can’t find anything like it. So we’ve settled with Daredevil which is going OK, but I feel like some of the characters are a bit weak.
Loving: Spending time alone with Seth. It’s something that we are fortunate to be able to do once a week, so I think I have started to take it for granted. But the last couple of weeks have been so hectic that we haven’t really had that time and I missed it so much. Even if we just sit on the couch and devour too many snacks.
Stressing About: Nothing! Except maybe that I made kids drunk when they ate the birthday cake.
We all need a cake fail once in our lives, glad the party was a success.
I had a lady in Boston make the boys capes. She’s great and the capes were only R80 each. But in bulk they could be quite an expense.
Boyoboy : Adele 0824136468
Definitely watch The Blacklist!! Its amazing.
We were very interested in the first season, but the second season got a bit lame for me. We watched about 5 or 6 episodes and gave up. Does it get better?
If you push through the first half of the season I think it does, but I can understand wanting to enjoy every episode of something
Hi Cindy
I don’t know if you watched the tv series Fargo yet but if you want a twisted main character that you aren’t sure if he is good or bad.. then that is perfect! Plus Billy Bob Thornton and Martin Freeman are AMAZING in it! The party looked STUNNING! And lucky knox having a super hero party
that will be a fun theme
there’s loads of cool ideas on pinterest for that theme.
Yes, we watched that and LOVED it! Martin Freeman is excellent! I need more of those weirdos in my life haha.
I know! Can’t wait to start planning his party, I might even ask the adults to dress up seeing as it’s my party too
But the cake looked fantastic! SO what! We have almost no time on our own and honestly I would love weekly time with my love
Haha, your cake fail made me chuckle! Sorry friend x
Sorry, can’t help with where to purchase capes. I suckered my mom into helping me make it. The upside us that its pretty easy to make( you don’t need major skills) and thus didn’t take too long to make16 capes.( I don’t have a lot of free time, so that’s great) Not to mention, much cheaper! Use it, don’t use it.:)
well at least it looked good even if didn’t taste that way. Cupcakes look divine.
Please do yourself the favour and download Wayward Pines – you and I share the same love for series. It is only 10 episodes, it’s once off but it’s well worth it! Go check out the trailer to convince you
Cake looked pretty though
Definitely watch Justified or True Detective season 1