Hi there!!
Yes, I know, you haven’t heard from me in a while. Although you probably didn’t notice – I haven’t been online much recently.
The just of it is that my camera breaking wasn’t enough. Now my laptop is broken too. Go figure. All I’ve got left is my cracked phone. Technology and I have a bit of a love hate relationship at the best of times. Either way it left me unable to visit this space and write for almost a week and I miss it so much. I don’t know if other bloggers get the twitch when they don’t post something in a while, but I can only handle it for so long before hijacking Seths laptop.
The party on Saturday was a HUGE success! Like really. We all enjoyed ourselves and everything worked out pretty perfectly, which was fantastic. I can’t wait to share my blurry phone pictures with you. Well the party was great, the after party was a bit rough – I totally forgot what Roaccutane had done to my liver over the last 7 months and so ended up the ER room on a drip the morning after. Apparently my liver still hasn’t healed itself enough and while I didn’t drink a whole lot, I did go over my usual glass or two and I paid the price. How’s that for a ridiculous lapse in judgment. I still feel like a chop. I wasn’t going to share it on this space, but hey. I’m all about honesty and hoping that other people learn from my stupidity. So learn from this Roaccutaners – NOT a good idea. The good thing is that the blood tests revealed that I haven’t totally screwed myself up and after the drip and a day of not moving at all, I finally feel human again. I’m pretty sure that death starts like that. Anyway.
We are off to watch the kids perform in their school nativity play tonight. We’ve been hearing loud renditions of ‘Little Donkey” for weeks and it’s going to be so great to actually hear the rest of the song and not just the off-key chorus. Plus also, this is the first year that we will be watching the girls do their ballet. I can’t wait for little buns and ballet make up. I’ve been looking forward to this day since I became a “girl-mom” and I may just go a little Instagram crazy.
Other than that we still haven’t gotten our tree up and I’m feeling rather green with envy every time I pop onto Instagram. Definitely a must for this weekend. Along with actually buying Christmas presents and all that.
Hope you guys are all well!
Cheers for beers with Britney Spears. (Until the next time I can hijack a laptop)
Oh gosh, glad to hear you’re doing so much better!
Aww Cindy! I DID notice you were quiet this week and I was wondering where you were hiding but figured you were just taking a social media break. So sorry you ended up in the ER, hope you feel better soon and that your technology woes are fixed soon.
So glad you are ok after your trip to the ER. Hope Father Christmas gives you some new toys for Christmas.
Oh no what a horrid end to a great party. Glad you’re feeling better now, hope the concert was amazing!
Ag no Cindy. Sorry about your liver man. But I’m glad the party went well. Enjoy the nativity. Nicky is a shepherd this weekend and I can’t wait.
Glad you’re feeling better now. Love it when people are honest and allow others to see the failings (which we all have)
Oh what a rubbish week you have been having! Go ballet for making mommy feel better. Haven’t done the tree either, might have to hire a playpen to keep Ethan away from it – that boy is into everything. Enjoy the festivities