I was going to call this post “The Time I Cut My Boobs Off”, but I don’t know if that really tells the story properly.
You see, as with most young girls, one of my genetic blessings was the ability to grow boobs. One of my genetic faults was that they never stopped growing.
I know what you’re thinking. People PAY to have their chests extended and WANT to walk around top heavy.
Me? Not so much.
Do you know what I was noticed for in high school? I can tell you it wasn’t my wit, my green eyes or blonde hair. In fact I’d be surprized if they even noticed I had eyes at all.
I can’t even tell you the amount of times ignorant, pubescent boys asked me what size bra I wore or passed disgusting comments my way. Although it was considerably worse when it came from fully grown men! (I wish I was joking) Or the time I was groped by a fellow teenager while I was out shopping at Cavendish. I still shudder every time I think about it.
The reality was that I had a rather large chest area.
I hated it. So much so that looking back at the pictures brings this nervous, sick feeling back to my stomach. The one I lived with most of my teenage years. Buying clothing that hid them and didn’t expose cleavage big enough to lose an arm in was difficult. Buying bras that fitted, lifted and lasted was a costly, traumatic experience. Just ask my poor Mom who bravely joined me on these outings.
Not only did my chesticles decide to grow out of proportion for my body, they decided to grow out of proportion of each other. I’m embarrassed to share that my left side was an “F” and my right was a “G”. That’s right boys and girls, I’m not making this up. In fact, my right shoulder is still slightly lower than my left from carrying the extra weight around for all that time.
You probably want some kind of photographic evidence right? Here you go. This is me at about 18ish.
When I knew that Seth and I were getting married, I knew I couldn’t walk down the aisle like this. My matric dance dress was a depressing disaster, the same goes for my college formal dress. It just couldn’t happen on “the happiest day of my life” too.
So I put aside all the stigma’s of plastic surgery and went to see a well recommend surgeon at my hospital. After stripping down and revealing what I had hidden for so long, the purple marker lines were drawn, little happy pills taken, nonsense talked, deep sleep enduced and the tissue removed.
They removed 1.5kg worth of skin.
I’m going to say that again. 1.5kg worth of skin.
I woke up (and despite flipping over onto my tummy in my post surgery haze) everything turned out perfectly.
Did it affect my ability to breastfeed? Yes. But by the time Knox came it had worked itself out enough to feed him exclusively for 6 months.
So yes. I am all for necessary plastic surgery.
Just out of interest, this is the same top a couple of years later (apparently I like to make duck faces and keep clothing for a really long time)
Interestingly, now that my body has experienced the joys of growing 3 little people and then subsequently trying to feed them, I would be lying if I told you that I wouldn’t mind giving them a little plump and lift again. Just saying.
Well done for this big share post… Also I like your hair dark too…
I wonder how Kyla and Riya will fare, seeing as this is a hand me down problem, nana, mama, – hopefully not, for their sakes.
Dang girl!! Its sad really because I thing you would have had a better time if men weren’t such pigs.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m a DD, managed to get them down to a C with some gym, haha, and one bubs later back to DDs. The one time i was “bullied” at (primary) school was about them boobs that no one else had at that stage. Thank you for your honesty, makes me feel just a little more sane
Good on you for sharing. I am also feeling rather sad about my boob affair. After feeding 2 little humans exclusively for 2 years each and loosing over 30 kgs, I just have skin and it’s saddens me to no end
Hi Cindy, I worked for a plastic surgeon when I was young and I hate when people believe plastic surgery is purely cosmetic and vanity. The psychological effects and secondary medical issues that girls like yourself suffered was very real. The difference in their confidence after the op was amazing. People are very judgmental when it comes to breastfeeding and many mothers can’t breastfeed for whatever reason and should not be judged
Interesting post, thanks for sharing Cindy! I’ve recently gone rapidly from a 32C to an E, which wasn’t fun – if they decide to have another growth spurt I’m definitely considering a reduction.
So glad you shared it here – I am so for it. Something like this influence the whole way you see or feel about yourself.Myself, I had my 6 front teeth crowned before our wedding as the enamel was coming off and they looked ugly – I smiled a lot more after. We also had A’s ears “done” when she was 6 = have never been sorry about the wad of cash that cost us. It was very well spent before she had a chance to be teased about it.
I have an A-cup! Well I was a B-cup till I lost 30kg’s but I’ll tell you something… as a woman, I’ve never understood anyone’s fascination with large breasts. They just look uncomfortable and as you said top heavy.
Good on you for sharing!
Thanks for sharing Cindy, what a shame that you had to experience so much more discomfort than necessary (the boys making it worse than just the physical). At my largest I was a 40D and at my smallest a 34A. I’ve already had my consult with the surgeon who is going to lift and plump for me when I have saved enough money! Good for you!
So proud of you for sharing this post my friend – and well done to you for doing what makes you happy and making the change! You look fabulous and I can only imagine the difference it makes to you x
I had the opposite problem and I always say Plastic surgery was about helping me feel more normal. I was flat chested, not A cup, nothing cup. I also had a lot of teasing at school and it really affected my self esteem. Since I had boobs added I don’t have big boobs I just have boobs that make me able to forget it is an issue and just get on with life. I hope talking about it we can remove some of the stigma.
[…] long passages, past door after door of people specialising in different things. Oh there’s my plastic surgeon. There’ s baby being cradled in his Moms arms in the Neurosurgeons office – how […]
Hi Cindy,
I had a very similar (almost exact situation; age, amount removed, serious back & knee pain).
Did this effect your ability to breastfeed/ produce milk? I am not a Mama yet but just want to manage my expectations? Do you have a post on this or any opinions/ thoughts?
Any insight would be GREATLY appreciated!
Best, Nancy
Hey Nancy-lee
It was really hard to make the milk to be honest. With our first baby I gave up within 3 days and just went to the bottle, with our second I managed to exclusively breastfeed for 8 weeks, but she wasn’t thriving so we had to add in bottle. Then for Knox our last baby it finally clicked – I managed to feed him for 6 months. So it’s possible but sometimes it just takes time.
[…] let’s just talk about the boobs shall we? Y’all know I cut half of them off a couple years before this right? By the time I got home they had grown back and then some. My […]