Things have been a bit crazy and busy around these parts for the last couple of days. It sounds crass, but there is honestly so much more to a loved one dying than I ever realised. Nearly all of it is admin related and time consuming.
So, as much as you may feel like just stopping to take stock, really sit back and take it all in, life doesn’t stop. Kids don’t feed themselves, they don’t get themselves ready and drop themselves as school, they still need to bath and despite a few unusual tantrums they are still going about life as usual.
Kids still fall in the bath, smashing their noses on the side so hard that blood pours out everywhere – I’m looking at you Knox. Glasses still fall over and smash into thousands of tiny little pieces which end up in the strangest places, not the least of which being IN Knoxs hair. (He just so happened to be standing next to the counter when it happened)
And I guess that’s the funny thing about death, life still carries on.
Anyway, I’m actually here for a reason. I just wanted to thank each and every one of you that flooded my various inboxs with condolences and support. We (as a family) are totally overwhelmed by the love and support that we are getting at every turn and I know that my Dad knew he was leaving us in good company. Thank you all so very, very much!
The funeral is tomorrow at 3pm and after that things will start going back to normal I guess.