It’s not often that we are totally spontaneous.
We don’t get a chance to be. What with 3 children that need so many different things it makes it almost impossible to do anything until we have packed half the house into the car. You know how it is – 10 nappies, a change of clothes for each one of them, wipes, first aid kit, water bottles, snacks, sunscreen, present, extra dummy and who knows what else go into the baby bag.
This time we were just going to a party at Green Point park (that also happened to start at 9 and we only got there at 10 – because… children).
On our way there we realised that we were going to have to trek out that way again later that evening because we had to go to family party at the Sea Point Ocean Basket at 6. On a whim, we called it and just decided to stay in the area all day. We’ve never, ever done that.
It’s quite crazy that this would not have even been possible just 6 months ago, or actually even just 2 months ago. Knox is finally at the point that he has enough teeth to eat what we choose to eat and can substitute any day bottles with water/juice. FINALLY! I always knew that this day would eventually come and guys, it’s here!
We chilled at the park till we got hungry, then we moved over to the V&A Waterfront to buy a present and grab some lunch with one of our favourite families, followed by a walk and shell pick up on the rocks and then a fun family supper. It was a jam packed roller coaster of a day but we had so much fun.
We survived the day and I learnt a couple of (possibly helpful) things along the way:
- We started our morning with a big hearty bacon and egg meal. We all complained that it was too much so early in the morning, but you never know what you are going to get at a party (especially in terms of grain/dairy free) so I think that this definitely helped us get through.
- Try and still get the nap times right. Luckily Knox is easy like that – he fell asleep in the car on the way to the V&A and slept until just before the food arrived at the restaurant. Despite a slight fever, keeping the sleep close to his regular time helped him to sort of stay happy and compliant.
- Find a spot to hide in for the middle part of the day when it’s so hot (V&A Waterfront is perfect for this) – too much sun is not only not that great for your skin, but it’s tiring and just plain HOT and moody weather.
- Keep hydrated. Always.
- Be prepared to see the inside of every single public toilet in Sea Point. Having strict toilet rules about not touching things and washing hands makes this at least a little bit bearable although I’m sure the other people must have loved our conversations of where poop comes from.
- First aid kit. At the very least plasters. We used them. Especially at the park.
- Don’t be too hard on yourself or your kids – take regular breaks to just sit and chill. Don’t have a strict agenda. Wing it.
We really had such a great time and I am so thankful for our nappy bag that always has everything that we need in it.
And now it’s time for me to tell you who won a chance to have your own lovely baby bag that you can store all your goodies in and have it become part of your family. I even recommend naming it, that way you are less likely to forget it behind. Just joking – but don’t tell Betty Baby Bag that.
A big congrats to Delaine who was lucky number 27 on the comments and selected by
Some more pictures of the parties – the kiddies park party and the Ocean Basket family party.
Did you leave Kyla at home, no pics :(. so glad you had a good day.
Hı- Just checkıng ıf ım the wınner of the Momı baby bag
It sounds like you had a lot of fun!! We also had a little spontaneous time Sat and as parents it felt amazing! We need that in life occasionally!! Im so happy you guys enjoyed it and yay for the perks of leaving the baby stage (although its still always a little hard to see them growing up!)
Funny how these”on the whim” things work out well. Well done to you guys and we also believe in a heart egg and bacon breakfast
Glad you had a great day!
[…] When I think of awesome destination places to go in Cape Town, I’ll be honest – Sea Point is not even in my Top 10. Well, let me correct that – it wasn’t until we decided to just wing it and spend an entire day in the area. […]