I’m so sorry that this post is later than I promised, but there is nothing quite as debilitating as a tummy bug combined with raging fevers.
Riya and I were the first to be hit with it and I really don’t ever remember being so sick. I have never appreciated Seth so much and I am so thankful to him for looking after the kids and me while I was completely useless. Unfortunately it’s caught up with him now because he is passed out on the couch, suffering with a fever and only just starting to keep food in.
I don’t know if we started it, but everyone that we happened to see on the weekend even for just a couple of minutes has succumbed to this stupid bug – big people and small people. It is relentless and to all our friends I am ever so sorry if we were the original carriers!
But anyway, I’m here to tell you about the winners of the www.loot.co.za giveaway that we had on the blog the other day – if you haven’t had a chance to check out the video, then do – I still can’t believe they could ingest so much sweet stuff in one go!
So the winners of the R100 Loot vouchers are:
Melody Nicole Vicatos
Kirstin Kukard
Lizanne Pitt
Congratulations ladies – I will email you with the details of your winning shortly!
1 comment
Congrats ladies