Our mealtimes aren’t the same as they were before.
I’m not talking about before the kids – where we could just focus on getting our own food in our own mouths. I’m actually not even talking about after the kids joined us at the table – where we make sure they don’t kill themselves (or each other) with their eating utensils, feed their food to the dogs (or the floor) or just basically do anything other than eat.
You see, one rule that we seem to have mostly right is that we eat at the table. No matter what. Together and without the disturbance of the TV or other electronic devices. It works for us and I nearly always look forward to this time together.
But now we have added entertainment at almost every mealtime. Knox has taken to entertaining all of us with the various tricks that he can, which has grown quite a lot now. His repertoire now includes clapping hands, shaking his head while we say “No, no, no”, “making eyes” where he scrunches up his eyes and sniffs at you, waving goodbye, showing us where the lights are (where he throws his head back and I swear he says “dere”) and where he is (smacks his hand to his chest when we say “where is Knox?”). It’s really quite gorgeous.
I finally managed to get a vast range of his face changes and boy did I giggle at his cuteness.