Do you know what’s been the hardest thing about the move? Not having internet. Boy do I miss getting on my laptop, downloading all the photos I’ve taken of memories being made and writing about them here for the kids to remember (when they are old enough and/or have enough time to read all of these posts).
Although we’ve been in the new house for a whole week now, it’s only really starting to feel like our home now. I suppose it’s the fact that we are missioning through the boxes slowly but surely, and so everything is finding it’s own little nook to hide in. All of our familiar things are out and exposed and suddenly I am really starting to settle. The last finishing touch in making it feel like home will be to put up all the pictures – at the moment the walls are blank and empty and it’s kind of depressing. Nothing says you’re home like looking at photos of the kids on the wall.
We still have a lot to get through – loads more boxes to unpack, with loads more things to find new hiding places for. Even though 90% of the house is definitely not near “reveal” worthy, I can share just a few pictures of the corners that are “done” or close to it.
These are just Instagram picture, so they aren’t great quality – I haven’t had a chance to get the pics off my camera yet.
This is one of the most exciting features of the house. It’s something that we have always wanted and because it was a little bit cold over the weekend we didn’t hesitate to try it out!
Warming my toesies.
The most “done” corner of the house right now. The mirror will eventually find it’s own home on another wall, but in the meantime I think it’s looking rather hot. It’s so funny how we’ve always had these things and some how they have just never looked so good in the old place.
Here’s to a another week of unpacking!
Oh I lvoe the chair! Congrats and good luck with sorting out the rest
That fire place is a WIN!!!!!!
[…] I suppose this could be considered a second teaser to the first one a little while back… Here we […]