Welcome to Monday. We’re all still feeling under the weather over here at the Alfino snot factory, um I mean abode, and I know it seems too soon for it to be Monday again, but I have some good news and some more good news to at least make your Monday that little bit more bearable.
Well done to ROXANNE (that happens to be lucky number 10 on the comments – thanks to random.org on that one). Unfortunately I don’t have your surname but you will get an email from me shortly confirming your awesomeness and your cool prize too.
I know you may be a bit bummed with me right now because those prizes were awesome and we all wanted them, but remember I said that I had some more good news? It’s true. The extra good news is that for the rest of you great people, I have a 10% off voucher for each and every one of you that entered. Yes, that’s right. How nice are the lovely people at Kids Cove!! I’ll be emailing the vouchers through to you during the course of the day.
I’m sure you’re already thinking about what to spend it on, don’t let me stop you, go on and check out their website.
And with that, I wish you a great week.