My normally camera shy baby posed purposefully for these pictures… As in, she really wanted me to take them! I’m still kind of in shock. She is most gorgeous, just look at that grin that hardly ever gets captured on camera.
This could go on the back of her future book on the “About the Author” section. The book will probably entitled, “How I Survived The Hair Pulling Episode Of 2013” which coincidentally happened seconds after this picture was taken.
Things are busy over here. Lots of exciting prospects in the mix, lots of events to plan (Kyla’s birthday on the 14th, Riya’s the 28th and then the combined party on the 3rd of August), lots of things to fill our minds with planning, pondering and praying.
The most imminent of which is that tomorrow will find us in a photoshoot (for this little adventure) right in our very own lounge. I made sure to plan it so conveniently to ensure maximum effort needed on our part – our lovely Sandy is away on holiday. Needless to say that I will be spending the whole morning cleaning up/scrubbing/scraping/redesigning/crying to make sure that it’s photo worthy the next day. And then doing it all again, because it will be a complete and total déjà vu of the kitchen episode.
Hope you’re having a good week?!
Oh man she is so very very gorgeous!
Love the second picture
Good luck tomorrow, my goodness that was today, isn’t it? *must not be a slow reader*
How did it go?
It actually went OK! Hopefully get to share the finished products soon!
[…] the photoshoot that we had at our place on Wednesday (which went really well by the way) and which took up a whole […]