I guess that’s a weird thing to acknowledge. But there is a reason for the random statement – besides the sick realisation that the year is almost on the downward spiral towards the end! (Please make it stop!!)
The real reason I know this, is because last time I managed to get my kids altogether to take a picture of, was when we wished all you lovely people a Merry Christmas. It’s been 6 months since then and looking back at those pictures now, I can’t help myself feeling all giddy and giggly at how absolutely tiny Knox was! (And how cute the girls were too!)
So much has changed – Riya is out of nappies, we are freezing in a terribly cold Winter and Knox was just soooo little. But then again they are still so the same – Kyla loves her brother fiercely and unconditionally, Riya still laughs with a warmth that makes my heart burst and Knox is still pulling faces that make me melt.
I don’t know what happened, but even that stay in hospital couldn’t stop this monkey from being so deliciously edible right now! And those curls, oh man those curls!
Kyla asked me to have them all lie down and then wanted me to take pictures of them. Which is strange because she hardly ever looked at the camera. Although I don’t know why I expected this time to be different. But also I probably took about 100 pictures and these are all I have to show you! It was flipping hard getting 2 toddlers and one tiny baby to co-operate, but getting 3 toddlers (Oooooh my gosh, THREE toddlers) to try and work together is almost impossible.
It’s actually so scary to go back and look at how much they have changed. I just don’t want them to grow up!
Although when I am feeling a bit nostalgic, it’s pretty cool that I can just flick back along the blog to see what we were doing and remember all those sweet and sometimes crazy times. Without this blog I just wouldn’t remember those special moments, as much as I desperately want to.