I’ve never had my own car. Not once. I have my license, even been so “lucky” as to renew it once already, but never really been able to use it as I had nothing to use it with. Well maybe that’s not all true. You see there is a reason that I don’t like to drive and it started just after I was born…
My mother… My Mom has a knack of passing down these little eccentric traits to me – things that I try and fight with all my might, but it has been so present in my life it has become “normal”. You know it’s things that other people wouldn’t even think about… Like turning right at an intersection where there are no traffic lights or stop signs. I’m not kidding. I have been in the car where she has gone a totally different way just to avoid turning right onto a busy road… I have to consciously make a decision to go a way that would require me to do this and then practice breathing as I drive up, just so that I can get through it. Tragic I know.
But that’s about all I can try and blame on another party. The rest is all me baby!
When I was pregnant with Kyla I started driving to work because I had a parking bay and Seth was working for his Dad so didn’t have to go into Town. I remember so clearly choking off at the lights and then rolling the car back into a little old ladies car. We eventually turned on to a less busy road and she gave me such a talking to until she saw that I was preggers and so toned it down a little. I think she was worried I was about to burst into tears – which I was…
Another time at our offices in Tokai I tried to pull out a parking bay. In my defence I had only probably had my license about 6 months and only maybe drove twice during that time. As I am pulling out I notice that the bakkie next to me is LIFTING up… Yep… It was me. I managed to turn into the car and slowly lift it up as I kept on turning… Silly billy… (No cars were actually harmed in the making of this story – thank goodness!)
There are a few more stories that aren’t really worth mentioning. Suffice to say that parking is not my strong suite. Until the end of last year that is…
I finally got my own car! It’s a gorgeous zippy little Ford that the kids and I fit in perfectly for our afternoon run-arounds. I have never enjoyed driving so much. Sometimes I drive just a little bit extra because I want to be in the car a little bit longer, listening to FMR banging out the jazz tunes on the radio… And plus also, the kids are normally asleep so it’s me 5 minutes of me time…
1 comment
I wouldn’t cope without my car!! Jack doesn’t fall asleep in it though but we have lovely “chats” driving around together!