Do remember a book from your childhood? One that just takes you back in time and suddenly you’re sitting on your bed with one of your parents reading a story to you? For me this book has become a very vague and distant memory, but what I can tell you is that it was Afrikaans (I know right, what were my parents thinking?!) and about a little girl that was walking home with a plaster on her knee. Every time someone would stop her and ask her how it happened she would make up a new story. At least I think that’s what it was about.
In our house at the moment we have 2 very special books that get read so often that they are looking rather crumpled and tattered, but very much loved. I don’t want to let the girls forget these books or the all the fun moments that we have reading them.
The first is about Cardwell the Giraffe that managed to get his neck in a knot because he was so into eating the leaves off a tree. The girls absolutely love this book and so do I. It is such fun to read because it’s a rhyming book (which I love) and to make it a little bit more exciting; I try and put on as many different voices for the characters as I can think of. Lionel the Lion (who is usually right), is most definitely British – I mean who else would use “jolly good” in a sentence. We’re at the point where I can recite the whole book by memory and really get into it all. The girls love that Mommy is being a fool, but get extra excited to point out the knot in the “raffs” neck, name all the different animals and roar with me when Lionel the Lion gives Cardwell the Giraffe such a fright that his neck gets straight. Then we all giggle together because even though his neck is straight, he still has a knot in his tail.
The next is “Big Sister, Little Sister” and it’s about how the little sister (Riya) copies everything the big sister (Kyla) does. Where big sister likes to draw, the little sister paints the floor and that kind of thing – so very true in our house. Then at the end the big sister says good bye (to go to school) and the little sister starts to cry. They take this bit very seriously and anxiously await the next page where big sister is home again and little sister’s happy then. The book ends with them giving each other a big hug and saying that they love each other. It’s very cute. Sometimes my girls comply and hug each other too… Sometimes…
I am hoping to go and get another book about 2 sisters that are about to become big sisters to a little brother. If you ever see a book like this let me know, I’m pretty sure it will become a new favourite.
Oh and remember that if you want to treat yourself to a photo shoot of your choice remember to enter our awesome competition because YOU could WIN, or if you know anyone getting married that would enjoy an awesome free photographer to capture their special day (because who wouldn’t), don’t forget to tell them about this competition.
sweet books
I am still trying to get into the voices and being animated… Can totally see you doing it though! Lol!
I remember Klara I had to read it all the time (In english) so I generally made up my own version and would get corrected when I went wrong
There isn’t much out there but I did find A Princess, A Pirate, And One Wild Brother by Cornelia Funke andThe Emerald Atlas by John Stephens, but they might be a bit scary for such little ones
[…] taking 4 tots to go and look at a giraffe!) But now that one of their most favourite books has a giraffe with a knot in his neck, it made it so much more interesting for them than the last time that we were there. (Plus also, […]