According to the scan that we did this afternoon, baby is growing well! Not only is he healthy and the whole fat pad situation a thing of the past, but he is still a HE!! YAY!
Even with the fall, he is growing well and everything is in order. All the scans of the heart, brain and everything really show great results (Praise the Lord). His tiny little foot already measures 4 whole cm and he’s only 22 weeks! To me that seems huge! So I casually tried to mask my terror of birthing the Hulk, by asking if it’s common that boys are bigger than girls (the answer? apparently not). Then I asked how big he is at this point and the Doc told me the average at this age is 400 – 500 grams… Then he did a few more measurements and revealed his actual size of 550 grams (although it might have been 515, either way it’s bigger than I expected).
This may be the reason that I gained 3 whole kilo’s in the last month. I know gaining weight is good, but at the rate I’m going?! Especially considering I didn’t lose it all after the last pregnancy it is shocking to see the number on that scale. I try and console myself with the fact that I didn’t gain any at the last scan so these 3kg’s are for 2 months. Plus I was wearing boots. Surely that has to count for something.
The Doctor is happy and says that what ever the random inflammation of the neck pad was, it is most definitely gone. Normally there are other sign, major or minor but our baby has neither. He is healthy!
I haven’t done a real “scan” post before, because either I was still in too much shock or it’s because I tried to scan in the pictures and it just looked terrible. So this time I finally have something to show you. Although that being said, a lot of it reminds me of this test I did the other day – and bunch of blobs and dots. I’ll try and explain it though.
Looks just like Seth don’t you think?
This is not an alien… It is the face…
The 4cm foot!!
Proving it’s a boy… Apparently…
Don’t stress, no ways your boy could be huge… Elijah was 3.6kg, and he’s big now… You guys are both small, so don’t fret. I’m sure he’ll be perfect!! (did dr D do the 4D scan too?)
Yip he did a quick 2 minute 4D scan