So we decided to combine the girls party this year and their present too! Although they love the cardboard houses that Dada makes them, they don’t last very long now that Riya is getting more and more teeth. After a lot of deliberation and a close call (we almost got the exact same thing as Ga and Papa did the week before) we got this:
We managed to put it together while Kyla was asleep and woke her up with the awesomeness. And while Kyla was asleep, Riya actually got to enjoy a bit of the coolness on her own terms.
The girls absolutely love it!! You can hardly get them out of it. Although nothing like this can ever be all good… Not even a couple of hours go by and we have our first incident… Kyla smashed Riya’s thumb in the window so hard that we thought poor little Ri’s finger was broken! (After the swelling went down and some Panado she was moving it and using it fine.) What an experience!
(Please take note of the faces in the bottom 2 pictures… Notice which child is more like which parent?)
The cool thing is that it is big enough for us all to squeeze in and have a little tea party! Bottoms up!