Originally – before starting this blog – I was writing Kyla a letter and tried to add to it everyday with things that I thought she may want to know when she was older. It didn’t get very far, but this is the first attempt and the story of how we found out we were pregnant!
To My Dearest and Most Precious Kyla Isabella
Every night, as I put you to sleep (which I have been doing every night recently since we found out that I was pregnant with your brother or sister and because your Dada get’s to see you all day) I think about all the little things that I want to tell you as you grow up, and things about yourself as a little one that you will never remember – but I will never forget. It occurred to me that something may happen to me one day and that I will never be able to tell you everything that I want to, so I thought I would write it down for you just in case. I am not sure exactly what format this will be by the end of it, but I am sure it will be closer to a book than a letter.
First, and probably most importantly, I should start with how we found out that we were pregnant with you. It was 2008. Your dad and I had been married for roughly a year and a half. We were living with GrandMaMa and Papa at the time, because we were building the flat for Nana and Grampie and thought it would be best to rent out our flat to save some money. Basically one day during that time – must have been in November sometime – I was sitting at work and I had just finished a small tub of yoghurt (Strawberry I remember), and not more than 5 minutes later it was no longer in my stomach… I thought I had a tummy bug, so I went home and took it easy for the rest of the day. But we had a sneaking suspicion that I was pregnant, so we took the test. It was NEGATIVE! I was totally bummed – even though we had a “5 year plan”, I was really keen to start our family now. Anyway, after a week, I tried the test again while Dada was sleeping, and it was POSITIVE! I ran and jumped on the bed and told him that we were pregnant. We both just first stared at each other, then burst out laughing and then were very excited. It was the most amazing feeling knowing that I had a little person growing inside me.
My pregnancy with you was pretty great by all standards, I had morning sickness for the first 3 months, but it stopped on New Year’s Eve 2008 with another vomit and I never felt sick again. You were a very active little baby – I first felt you move at about 16 weeks. It was FANTASTIC! Once you started moving – you didn’t stop. It was so very special. We went for all the scans and you were growing steadily and beautifully with each one. For the first couple of months we thought you were a boy, but it was apparently just the umbilical cord. By the end of the pregnancy I was HUGE – with you I just wanted STEAK, DARK CHOCOLATE and FROZEN MOCHAS (the steak and dark choc being weird as I NEVER ate that before you, the frozen mochas just made me fat ). I put on roughly 12kg with you and it was all totally worth it.
When we were roughly 3 months pregnant we moved into our new home, although it was actually my old home… Obviously your Dad had to make the place our own, so we painted (yes, I know I probably shouldn’t have) and tried to make the house more Alfinoish. One of the things that we did was plant grass, I was adamant that it had to done so at 7 months pregnant with you I was outside raking and planting seeds for the grass. I thought I was going to go into early labour!! Although it seems like I was always busy, your Dad made me take breaks, and that normally consisted of me playing Sims# while watching him work.
In an effort to instill a sense of taste into your choice of music, I played Kings Of Leon (specifically the Only By The Night album) to you all the time as well as a little Led Zepplin
You and your Dado used to play games together while I was asleep. He used to poke my tummy and you used to punch or kick back in the same place. I’m surprized that I never woke up!!
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[…] work, but let’s not go there). The pregnancy was pretty great and by the 14th of July, Kyla was ready to make her entrance – a little late but perfectly […]