I have something to get off my chest.
Contrary to popular opinion, I work for a living and it’s not because I hate my children and need to get away from them. In fact, it’s possibly for the opposite reasons.
I freaking adore my kids. That’s probably a given for the 99% majority of parents right?! (If that’s not the case then, um, you should maybe talk to someone about that.) But I find that personally, I’m a better parent if I can drop them off at school and go about my day talking to other adults and having (and meeting) deadlines. Simply put, even though all I ever wanted to be was a Mom, I now enjoy finding my worth in more than just that.
This is obviously not the case for everyone right? I mean thank goodness for that. Everyone is strong in certain things and weak at others. Like, imagine being a Doctor. I COULD NOT do it. As much as I love and care for other people and the situations that they find themselves in, I could not physically touch people all day. I would go absolutely mental. Because – bodies are weird. Gross man. What’s my point, uh, well, I just feel that if staying home with your kids is something that you want to do that’s freaking awesome, but if you feel like working is your calling then that’s freaking awesome too.
And guys, let’s also not ignore that right now in our current economic climate, it’s almost impossible to have a single income family when you have three kids and a house that you need to pay off. Never mind having to like, feed them and stuff.
So let’s not get caught up in what people think we should do, instead let’s do what works for our families. And that changes for every family. No judgies.
Moral of the story, I work and I enjoy it. Which is great, because even if I didn’t enjoy it, I’d have to do it anyway.
Thankfully even though it takes all the effort in the World to get me out of bed in the morning, by the time I have slapped on my make up and gotten the kids out the door, I’m already looking forward to getting to work. Not because there’s going to be coffee waiting for me (although let’s not discount that) but because I enjoy my job.
I find it so funny when people I meet through the blog ask me what I actually do for a living. I can see that they’re picturing some kind of creative thing – content writing, maybe marketing or I don’t know. One of those kinds of jobs where you get to write all day and have purple hair. When I tell them that I am in fact an insurance broker and co-own my own business, the shock is quite evident on their faces. Sometimes I just slip it into conversation for fun, just to see their reactions.
The more shocked reactions I’ve been getting, the more I’ve realised that I don’t talk about the side of my life that is almost as big as being a parent. It takes up about the same amount of thought space and time to do it, so it’s a pretty big deal – as I’m sure your work is for you.
Anyway, I landed in insurance like anyone else – completely by mistake. (I have yet to find someone who got into this on purpose).
I’d wanted to do something in the CA field or maybe even law, but my main priority was getting married. So after a year of college I went out to get a job. It really didn’t matter what it was actually – I was open to anything in the office management space. Organising things was one of my strong points back then (before I had babies and it all went to pot), so it felt like the right fit for me. After a couple of interviews I landed up at Incompass and everything fell into place for me.
Initially I was the receptionist/office slave and it was literally just the two of us. Jan (my now partner) and I. We even shared a computer for a while because he was mostly out seeing clients and what what. As the years went by, we employed more people and I just naturally grew into the position of the right hand and when the opportunity arose to buy in, I literally jumped at the chance.
Now it’s been 10 years! Ten whole years.
And I still really enjoy what I do. Which, in case you’re wondering is the short term insurance side of life – you know car, house, contents, all risks and all that kind of thing. I really, really enjoy finding my clients better cover than what they currently have – it’s a thrill every single time.
(In fact you should chat to me about that if you’re looking – it won’t be weird – I promise).
I guess the whole reason that I am sharing this is that working is a huge part of my life and I don’t talk about it nearly enough considering how much it affects my day to day. But also, Kyla, Riya and Knox, if you ever read this – it’s important to think outside the box – there are SO many more jobs out there than just your traditional “big money” jobs. You can do something you enjoy and make money from it (well, hopefully).
What do you do? Do you love it? How did you get into it?
Same sitch. At a company for 10 years now… nogals a car dealership (luxury brand). Started doing admin and then did my NCA and Finance&Insurance quali… so I’m also moving into the Insurance side of things. Most days I yawn alot because my current position requires minimum brain activity and I like to think. So I do my work super fast and that’s how I get free time to write and stuff. Currently sitting on my office chair, shoe-less, cross legged with a spreadsheet open, waiting for me to check it. A bit of both worlds I guess haha.
Funny how it happens so by accident hey? Cool that you are also in insurance! What do you do specifically?
Hi Cindy
I desperately need better insurance cover. Please help! Not sure where to contact you but please email me and we can chat! Thanks!
Absolutely! You have mail – it might be in your spam filter though.
BTW shotalot for this post and for showing us that you don’t HAVE to be a SAHM or WAHM to be a legit blogger.
There are quite a few Working Mom bloggers out there, we just need to learn to make our voice heard.
I also love going to work every day – it keeps me sane and balanced! There is nothing better for me than shaking off the chaos of the early morning school run, settling down with coffee in hand and writing something awesome for a client (in peace and quiet with no one else demanding my time). I have always wanted to write for a living but did a business degree because my parents said it would stand me in good stead (which it has, because now I own my own content business!).
How brilliant! I love how things work out like this and that you love what you do! I think it also makes such a difference in what you produce for clients at the end of the day. They can see the passion in the product that you provide them with.
I really do think so!
I think most Moms can resonate with this post my friend – and i could’t agree more! I always thought that being a SAHM would be so cool until the food stains, baby talk and no adult interaction all day drove me a bit batty! That is the reason I started LuluPop – to give me a purpose, allow me to be creative and interact with other people in the mornings and have some flexibility. My two previous jobs aren’t ideal for small children (PR Agency which is a 24/7 job and seriously intense and a Primary School teacher which wouldn’t allow me to drop them at school because I have to be there at 7am or collect them as I only finish at 2.30pm)
By the way, our insurance broker is one of our closest friends and he has saved us in many situations – from stolen cars, remote jamming, smashed phone screens and more recently an exploded car and burnt down garage! There is no broker more important x
You’ve brought up a very important part of being satisfied in the job space and that’s flexibility. Missing out on the kids key moments in order to do a job I loved would probably make me hate that job pretty quickly.
Absolutely – brokers are the best – (if I do say so myself) 😉
SO true – flexibility is such a huge part of job satisfaction.
It’s one of the things that I value the most!
Love this. And yes, like you, I work because I like it and also because I have to. So many people say that if we really wanted to, I could quit my job to be a SAHM but those are sacrifices I’m not willing to make and they would also affect the quality of my children’s lives so no, I won’t do it.
Each to his own and each family to their own, let’s all just do what works best for us and our families and mind our own damn business.
We have a very similar situation in that if we cut out EVERYTHING fun and downscaled to a smaller house, I could technically stay at home. But I don’t want that. We wouldn’t be happy at all. I want to be able to go away for the weekend and not stress about every cent – I think I’d be a way worse mother that is constantly on edge with panic if I stayed home without the extra income.
I have to say I’m with you on the Doctor thing. At school I had a very difficult time deciding what to do and becoming a doctor was something I considered. I joked with my husband that if I did become one I would’ve poked the sick people with a stick because who would want to touch that. Luckily I went in an IT direction (Software Development) with a background in Cartography
It’s no joke hey? You really have to have a deep love for people and a very high threshold for gross things hahaha
Hear Hear Sister. I love being a Working Mom and I equally love being able to blog about it. I also love my kids to the moon and back, even-though they sometimes really get me riled. I still would not change a thing about them.
My sister-in-law once told me this. It is so true for me as well:
” I go to work so I can be a better mommy”
Exactly this!!
this was such a great post, cindy! i’ve always been interested in how you got to where you are, work-wise, so thanks for sharing. as i mentioned to you over the weekend, choosing to be a working mom (even it is from home) has it’s own fair share of challenges. but, i like the challenge of assisting small businesses with their accounting and also, contributing financially to provide for our family. like you said, whatever works for your family, do it – and i guess, make the effort to enjoy whatever position you find yourself. 🙂
Yay! So glad that you enjoyed it and that you love doing what you do! Like we chatted about, working from home adds a whole extra dimension onto being a working Mom, but at the end of the day if it’s working then that’s what counts!
Looks like I’m going to be the odd one out here and say I hate working, (and I’ve done many jobs to try and find my fit). Since I’ve been a stay at home mom to Zoe (every second week, granted) I must say I am happier than I’ve ever been. Circumstances forced us into this position (my disability and legal fee’s) and I must say I love every day. I look at working moms with such respect and admiration, I could never do it. And I wouldn’t want to. But when hub comes back to SA permanently one day I will most likely have to work to make up the lack of $’s. It’s so interesting how differently we all feel/think/live and yet at the end of the day share one priority – our kids!
Exactly! I’m stoked that you are able to be home and that you enjoy it! That’s really the key here I think – enjoying the situation that you find yourself in and making the most of it.
I must say I do like going out and earning my own money, not being dependent on others like the past three years, but that was also a good time for me and I’m glad I did that. I don’t really get a break from childcare since I am working with them all day long, but having a nice boss, a half day job and free school fees is a huge bonus.
I didn’t also land up in teaching on purpose initially. I first wanted to be a journalist, then a psychologist. I had the opportunity to go and teach in Taiwan and that’s when the teaching bug bit. I feel like I’m back in that enjoying space – having fewer kids to teach, an assistant and no books to mark is definitely better than teaching primary school.
Teaching is one of those gifts that I associate with being a Doctor – I mean I love kids, but I don’t think I could be with them ALL day! I’ve been training for two days now and I feel like I have spoken all the words I have ever known, I can only imagine what it’s like as a teacher talking and giving of yourself all day long!
I know that I’m a much better mommy with K at school, and me having the time to work and pursue studies. Like the other commentators,I’m in the do what works for you crowd 🙂
I write for a big portion of my day and have blue hair. U totally meant me right ? love this post I’m def a better mom because I work outside the home aswell 🙂
LOL, of course!
I work as a project manager at the zebra bank 🙂 and I love it. I only moved into this role about a year and a bit ago, but I loved my previous position as well. I really enjoy coming to work. Not only because of the actual work, but more so for the colleagues that for the most part, are really friends. I love it so much that I even back earlier from maternity leave the second time around and the first, I was quite happy to come back after the four months fully paid leave even though I only took four months because we couldn’t afford any unpaid portion. I was judged like you wouldn’t believe it. To this day, people can’t believe it! But it’s TOUGH at home. I think that people who choose to be stay at home mums possibly have a harder time that us full time mums. But each to their own.
I totally agree with you! Finding the money and all the rest to get my kids into school was a much easier decision than finding the money to stay home. I just wouldn’t cope at all!
My hubby is currently a stay at home dad because advertising is a volatile industry blah blah. His actually very good at it! First time in his life that he has to take on the role of being the primary caregiver while I work and I feel like I’m on a mom-vacay!
Woah that’s hectic, but I agree – I often think that Seth would be a way better stay at home parent than I would be. It’s cool that we all have our strengths!
I think most moms can relate to this post in one way or another. I chose WAHMING because my full time lawyering job was not compatible with having an infant or toddler (I did it when my younger one was a baby so I know). As my kids get older and less dependent I might go back to full time lawyering, who knows? (Confession: some days I do wish I could just get away from my kids and spend the day with adults but that is the exception and not the norm.)
It’s cool that you have options though right? If you need to you could go back to work but while you don’t have to/want to, it’s amazing that you get to be home with your kids!
I also have lots of people who believe I dont work and I think its very funny. I also work in the insurance industry, you might even be one of the brokers for the company I work for. I work for the same reasons as you I am a far better working parent than a stay at home mom I would be useless at that. I am more patiennt and involved and because I have something else to occupy my time at work.
Wanted to also say congrats on your win , well done
[…] I’m actually NOT a stay at home mom. I usually work till 2 every day, which means that the kids get fetched from school and fed […]
[…] when you’re a working Mom, how do you make it work appropriate? I didn’t think you could until I realised that you […]
[…] fun things and now it’s back to the grind and I really just don’t like it. I mean I love my job, but I think it’s normal to want freedom […]
[…] I work till roughly 2pm everyday. Sometimes longer, sometimes shorter – all depending on what I need to do in office, what I can do at home, the kids extra murals and life. I know it’s a privilege. One that I really don’t take for granted unless I’m listening to my children screaming at each other and dreaming of the peace and quiet in my office. It happens, I’m human. […]