Sup guys. How was the long weekend?
Ours was pretty great – I so enjoyed being home, sleeping in and chilling that it was really hard to get back into work mode this morning!
Reading: Again I found myself delving into the book cupboard at my in laws to see what I could find, this time I landed on a Patricia Cornwell. It’s so weird because I think I remember reading a lot of her books in high school and thinking that they were amazing, but now I’m finding them a bit Danielle Steel-esque. Too much repetition about frivolous things. I hate feeling like I’m wasting time while I read a book. I mean I know a lot of people assume that reading is a waste of time (which it most certainly is not) and I’m starting to resent these authors for making me feel that way too.
Watching: Oh my word guys, how did it take us so long to get Netflix?! We’ve been series-ing it up in our hizzle this weekend. Finished Daredevil, finished Vikings, half way through Making A Murderer and finding so many awesome little things hidden in the different categories. The kids are absolutely LOVING Peppa Pig, the Dinosaur Train and Wild Kratts and when we’ve become so tired of cartoons that we want to rip our eyes out, we’ve also watched some of the Planet Earth with them. It’s great to be able to show them all these things with the click of a button.
I remember watching 50/50 with my parents on a Sunday afternoon – it was the best!
Re-discovering: My love for my big old camera. It’s such a freaking mission to lug it around but when I get home and take a look at all the pictures I’m so glad that I did. The pictures are just SO much better than taking them with a regular old camera phone. I need to fall in love with photography again, so I’m thinking about going on a short course to help me get out of using “sports” setting to take snaps of my kids. I want to play around with aperture etc. Is that even what it’s called? I don’t know. Anyway. Have you been on a course? Where did you go? Or did you teach yourself with Youtube vids? Any suggestions?
Discussing: The two dogs that reside at our old house. The poor things just came into our lives at the wrong time. I was trying to use them to cure my broodyness and ended up pregnant instead. Oops. Now they’re just there to bark and let off killer farts when no one is looking. I wish that we could start over with them now, but I know that we can’t so we’re just going to have to make the most of what we’ve got now. It’s wonderfully reassuring that dogs are just so forgiving even though we don’t deserve it!
Excited About: The newsletter. OK, OK, I know I’m talking about it a lot, but you know when you start something totally new and you get absolutely petrified that you’re going to stuff it up? That’s how I felt. I was so scared that it actually took me like, 4 weeks to send out the first one!
But what am I excited about? The book club of course! We’re half way to getting a group together to do it! Here’s hoping we have all 12 people by 1 June so we can get started.
If you want to get involved in the book club or what you’ll be getting yourself into by subscribing, check it out here: APRIL NEWSLETTER. Also, just by being subscribed to the newsletter you’ll stand a chance to win one of three of these cool OREO hampers. (And so much more in the future. hashtag just saying)
Planning: It’s roughly 3 months till the girls birthday which is exactly when I start planning their party. I know it’s kind of nuts that it takes so long, but I like to give myself enough time so it doesn’t feel like I’m completely rushed and stressed right at the end. Although, let’s face it, that tends to happen anyway.
So I’m not giving anything away quite yet, but I do need to know if you have any good forest, fairy, toadstool kinds of things that you have seen in the shops that I can go and get? Think decor etc? I’m actually so excited for this theme that I might actually pop! I can’t wait to share it with you.
Appreciating: The last year of my 20’s. I’ve just realised that I’m turning 30 in September. How even? I think I keep forgetting because everyone keeps telling me that I look 22 so I get confused haha. Never the less, I want to have a fairly epicly memorable party. I’m thinking big combined party with Knox and all our friends, but then a more intimate night away with just a few close friends without our kids! Sounds like that might be the plan! What did you do to celebrate a big number birthday?
Feeling: I’ve been having one of those killer PMS weeks. You know when you rage at every little thing even though you know that you’re being TOTALLY irrational? It was like that, but like, worse. Dogs licking themselves, children saying Mom more than once, Seth breathing – the causes are limitless really. But I found the cure!
Seth feel asleep really early one night and I found myself pissed off and wanting to slap him awake because it’s basically offensive that he’s rather sleep than look at the TV with me right? Riiiiight. So instead of blowing up for no real reason, I put on a lekker snot en tranne movie and had a massive snotfest on the couch – crying until I was dehydrated. The next morning, I might have woken up with puffy eyes, but hot damn, I felt like a million bucks!
I literally looked like this when I woke up (thanks to Snapchat haha)
Do you have a special cure to fight the cray cray emotions of that time of the month? I’d love to hear about it – tell me in the comments!
My friend did a course I really wanted to do as well at the CT school of photog a few years ago. It was a 5 week course and at the end they have an exhibition where the best piece from each student of the school is displayed for the swanky-ish affair. Only thing I couldn’t see myself doing was the weekly project. But that is how you learn,I suppose.
For foresty fairy stuff, have you tried the fairy shop in claremont?(not sure if they have what you’re looking for though) As for toadstools, we had a party where we used old White plastic cans (like paint cans) turned over and topped with round flat cushions, that were decorated in red with white polka dot material. That was for the seats all the little fairies at the party sat on. At the time(more than a year ago,Merry pak had crap loads of fake ivy and shrubbery to decorate the gazebo. But havent seen it since. Hope that helps.
Thank you!!! You’re a wealth of info for this kind of thing – I need to call on you more often
The weekly project does scare me a bit too because when do you even find the time? But like you say, you won’t really be able to learn without it?
Firstly, I hope you got my response to be included in the book club please!!!
How awesome is that snap filter??? On Snapchat, any suggestions on who to follow? I’m only following like 3 people and the snaps are so few and far between.
I have no cures for pms. Mine is so erratic that I just brave the wave and try not to bite anyone’s head off.
I also find that books/authors I loved when I was younger, really irritates me now that I’m a little older.
Yes I did! Thank you! You are definitely on the list!
I have quite a few people that I follow – maybe I’ll include them in the next newsletter? Just to name them now would be Stacey Vee (Living Lionheart), Sharon (The Blessed Barrenness), Nikki (Nikki and Nicholas), Cas (The Leatherjacket Foxes), Sheena (SheBeeGee) and then my husband who I think is kind of hilarious (obviously – haha his is sethalfino). Those are all the “Mommy” kind of ones that I enjoy there are a few that are beauty etc. Will try and get it out with the next letter.
Thank you! I think including it in the next newsletter is a great idea. Will check them out now
I missed about you starting a bookclub – you will love it! And do 11 people not 12. January is always too difficult to fit bookclub in too with all else happening – so we never do January (we are 11) . And if you need advice on how to set it up I have a really long blogpost about that – (We are now at R60 a month though), I also do regular book reviews – honestly life is way too short for not great books – and there are way too many great books to read in one liftime.
Drink so evening primrose oil – it helps
Awesome! Thanks for the link – checking it out now!
Do you have to drink it or can I pop it in a tablet? I’m USELESS with gross tasting stuff, I just can’t do it.
You can pop a softgel capsule – a lot like those big Omega ones